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AppropriateAd5325 t1_j8q3jeh wrote

So crazy, all these back room deals with deregulations. Lining pockets. And who suffers? Chumps like you and me. We live near the Schiller Power plant, after a day all our snow is black. Hopefully the Ohio poison will disperse.


Hunt4u_bynite t1_j8r597t wrote

Solar panels and windmills will never produce the amount of electricity our society needs. Powerplants are needed. Helping them with technologies to burn fossil fuel more cleaner and efficiently is what people need to get on board with. Schiller has 3 boilers. 1 is a wood burner the other 2 are coal. The wood boiler ran most of the time. The others when peak energy usage occured. Winter and summer .


Hour_Goat_2486 t1_j8x3x3n wrote

While it’s true that there needs to be a transition period, it’s absolutely nonsense that solar and wind can’t produce enough. The amount of energy man produces with fossil fuels is minuscule compared to the sun’s energy, which keeps the entire earth from nearing absolute zero. Solar alone could power the entire US with about 65000 acres easily allocated in the midwest deserts. Storage is the only current obstacle, given the day/night cycle. If we subsidized solar with even 1/2 of what we spend subsidizing oil in the US, we’d be done with this already


AppropriateAd5325 t1_j8ruusx wrote

However windmills and solar will never be able to replace fossil fuel stations, because we aren’t building them. 😬