Submitted by natwest96 t3_zwl0zp in headphones

I’m looking to buy my first pair of audiophile headphones and have been looking at both the HD 600 and the DT 1990 pro.

The HD 600s are currently on sale for £239 which is obviously very appealing. The 1990 pros on the other hand would set me back around £370.

Are the HD 600s better value at this price? Would anyone recommend spend the extra money for the 1990s?

I have no experience when it comes to headphones the only thing i’m worried about is the sharp highs people have mentioned with the 1990s as i have quite sensitive hearing.

Headphones will be used for causal listening, gaming aswell as listening to my records. I have a fiio k5 pro dac which currently hooks up my adam t5v monitors and my turntable.



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PolarBearSequence t1_j1vemke wrote

Both are great headphones, and great choices. I own a DT1990 and I like it (not the least for its excellent build quality and comfort), but the sound really can be too piercing on a lot of music (even though it is extremely impressive for others). I’d advise for the HD600. It is literally the audiophile headphone.


ku1185 t1_j1vg2v9 wrote

What he says. DT1990s are great fun with impressive technicalities, but punishing on poor recordings/source gear. HD600s are smoother, more pleasant, and all around easier listen, but doesn't stage as well and doesn't have quite the bass/treble extension. It's not as exciting as the 1990s, though HD600s might be preferred for a more intimate experience.


TheFrator t1_j1v8oox wrote

> I have no experience when it comes to headphones the only thing i’m worried about is the sharp highs people have mentioned with the 1990s as i have quite sensitive hearing.

The HD600s are the safer bet IMO. This isn't to say you wouldn't like the 1990s over the 600s but there's a reason the HD600s are one the most celebrated headphone of all time. And for 130 quid less, I'd go this route.

Does the place you're ordering from have a return policy?


natwest96 OP t1_j1v9ma4 wrote

The 600s are on sale on the sennheiser website


Rudo847 t1_j1v9hf1 wrote

I have both and I hardly touch my HD 600. I love my DT 1990 so much more. I use them for music, movies, and gaming. They perform everything so well. To me they're more exciting headphones with a more soundstage and detail. The HD 600 are silky and smooth. Everything feels pleasant and natural. The 1990 make me feel like I'm in the room with the band. Sound is subjective which is why I have both but if I could have one it's the 1990. But if it's your first with more to come in the future, the HD 600 is a great choice that sets a standard to what a headphone should be.


Independent-Win-8844 t1_j1vuqea wrote

Well said. I own both and same experience. I do have the schiit Loki which can tame the 8k peak on the DTs. I only use the eq with certain artists/songs.


stockholm_sloth t1_j1vzcjf wrote

I own both. I consider my hd600 as a daily "chillax" headphone whereas i could easily part with my 1990 and miss only the insane build quality and wow factor when I need to "hear every detail".


Jmo04 t1_j1vxglw wrote

If you aren’t sensitive to the higher frequencies and want more bass then 100% get the 1990. The sen 6 series just doesn’t have any subbass or at least enough for me. However for vocals or any instruments they sound really nutty


Toronto-Will t1_j1zrsej wrote

I discovered I was treble sensitive when I put the analytic pads on the 1990, but I used the balanced pads for years without treble bothering me at all. Maybe just me, but those pads make a huge difference.

I do think the HD600 are a better value option, especially for music listening. For gaming, the 1990 have wider staging and I think are better. But the HD600 are also perfectly useable. Another thing is the 1990 is maybe a bit easier to drive; even though it’s high ohms, it’s still pretty high sensitivity. And one cable instead of two dangling from the ear cups.


GamePro201X t1_j1vo38n wrote

Both are amazing headphones, but the safest option would be the HD600. There's a reason they've been a staple in this community for so long. If you're not very sensitive to treble though I'd take the DT1990 because it is a bit more exciting to listen to (better for genres like EDM or dubstep). Soundstage and imaging is also substantially better on the DT1990

Also, I wouldn't really say you will hear that treble spike even if you do have sensitive hearing. I have excellent hearing and my DT990 (which people say is even worse treble-wise than the DT1990 Pro) sounds perfectly fine to me. Maybe I might experience slight sibilance on 1% of songs, but overall I hear no harshness


rhalf t1_j1w7y9u wrote

HD600 is bang for buck. Any version of HD6?? really. If you want something clearly better, then you need a lot more cash; like 1kGBP.


Coel_Hen t1_j1xdmu2 wrote

I have a lesser Beyerdynamic headphone, and I love it, and I also bought the HD600s on sale for about the same price, and I also love them. The Beyerdynamics I have are bright, and some people don't care for that, but the Sennheisers have a sound signature that I don't think anyone would find offensive, so I think your safer bet is to buy the HD600s on sale rather than the 1990s at full price. They have a return policy if you don't like them, and if you do like them and decide to keep them, you got a great deal on them.


cum-oishi t1_j1xjaeh wrote

What's your preferences?


ststairz t1_j1xyxbq wrote

Byerdynamic are notorious for extremely bright yet detailed headphone. Own a pair of DT990 Pro, can't listen to it for more than 15 minutes. Though some people really appreciate its clarity. I suggest try em out at a shop before making any purchase. Otherwise, hd600 always is the safer bet.


postlogan t1_j1ycyst wrote

Imo you should get Moondrop Quark DSP if you're first getting into the hobby, they're excellent sounding iems for like $15. Always good to test the waters before going deep into the hobby. You won't find much that sounds better than those, especially at that price range, after that it's just mild differences in tuning and of course build quality.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j1ystwu wrote

I'd definitely go for the HD600 and if they're not optimal you can always give them a bass boost. Or get the 6XX or 660.. The latter being a mixed bag for some.


uloang t1_j25dwgr wrote

How would you go about giving them a bass boost? I just got a pair of HD600s as my fist pair and I’m trying to figure out if I need a DAC or an amp.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j25pvoq wrote

I would simply use Oratory's EQ and tweak the bass shelf to my liking... other than that idk, probably browse Headfi


csch1992 t1_j1yuobw wrote

if you are wanting the 1990s i really recomend your an nicer amp/dac. i had an g5 with my 1770 and really lost many details on it then i upgraded to an fiio k5 pro ess and they sounded like new headphones


LeeviJ t1_j1yzwfw wrote

I had a DT1990 which I ended up returning since it sometimes got physically painful to listen to them, particularly with poor source material, due to the huge treble peak(s). My HD600 as replacement arrived while ago and the experience with these has been way smoother and just better. Only thing I miss from the DT1990 is the disgustingly good bass response for open back phones, but overall I'm very very happy with the HD600's so far.


Jessenstein t1_j1whryv wrote

I have sensitive ears too. You can EQ that stuff out if you really want a pair that is known for being bright.

That said, grab a pair of fidelio X2HR's for half the price. They're wildly comfortable and have amazing soundstage/bass for gaming. Use the extra savings for big cushy aftermarket pads!


eun_ja t1_j1y39j2 wrote

HD 600 is fine, and if you have more budget you can pick HD 660S too, but yeah both of your choices are safe headphone.


VonDinky t1_j1wf5jz wrote

Have you ever tried the cheaper stuff, like Koss Porta Pro or KSC75? You might just be happy with those.


listener-reviews t1_j1vfchp wrote

HD600 is the most legendary dynamic driver headphone of all time. DT1990 is a sibilant mess. Seems an easy pick.
