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SadMaverick t1_iwwb18y wrote

I think the primary motivation for India is the dumping of old tech as mentioned in the article:

>A key concern for India is that once the EU makes the shift, obsolete phones and equipment could be dumped here, a second official said, requesting anonymity.


Specific_Main3824 t1_iwx8k2g wrote

Not at all. Old tech will sell out and will always be available second hand in any market. Every cheap device has already switched to Type C some time ago, so the vast majority of devices available in India already are Type C. India will still get a lions share of old and used devices. However, that's fine. They are second-hand and will have no issues being sold. The change is to save people money, make it easy so people can share chargers, and create far less waste. The rules are very late in the game, 10 years ago would have been more useful.


Playfair99999 t1_iwxxg3i wrote

But unfortunately for us, the type of configuration that the C type comes with, only became mainstream in the last 5 years. But it's still better than 5 years later or something.


Specific_Main3824 t1_iwywqp2 wrote

It's the same in Australia, type C only 5 years, still LOTS of people have devices with Micro USB, however it's changing very fast, more people have type C than than Micro USB. When Apple changes, there will be a lot of angry people, but it will be better eventually. At least until something else better comes along.


Playfair99999 t1_iwyx23s wrote

I think the decision against Apple was rather a necessary one. I mean they charge filthy money for a charger just to make it "exclusive" or something. And the way people act with Apple products, like a herd, they were bound to buy that too. Plus this also prevents cable waste to an extent as well, as now C type can be used for multiple products.


Specific_Main3824 t1_ix1sbxc wrote

I don't think the cost is filthy IF the quality matched the price, however their cables are really low quality, better than a lot of aftermarket cables, but Apple set the bar really low. I'd pay US$50 for a cable if i knew it would last for near forever. I am so glad it's going USB C (not that USB C is that great. It handles moisture badly, and it can burn out just from high humidity). But at least now everything will at least be the same 😀 Apple's Lightning connector is a little superior in robustness, but it's no longer sufficient for today's tech.


Rasayana85 t1_iwx3ju8 wrote

Why request anonymity? Is he affraid to be promoted?