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Yak_Rodeo t1_jdpmur1 wrote

paying to move up here and go to fisher, emmanuel, or lesley is an incredibly massive waste of money

no disrespect to those schools but they simply are not worth moving for


gateA21 t1_jdqpot1 wrote

i hear you but it’s mostly about the location for me., not the school. i just don’t want to be in my hometown or really anywhere in the south. i applied to bu as well and got rejected but i think if i end up at fisher i’ll spend a year there and try and transfer to bu


Jayembewasme t1_jdqqekh wrote

If that’s the plan then just come up here. Live off your own means. Get MA residency status. Go to Bunker Hill CC for a year, or better yet two, then transfer in to UMass Boston. You’d get your Boston dream at a fraction of the cost. Plus you’d live in real Boston, not some overpriced dorms.


2old4badbeer t1_jdsr3c8 wrote

Exactly what I was gonna say. Come up here, find an apartment and go to community college. Ace your classes and you’ll probably get a scholarship to umass Boston or even BU. Fisher is an okay school, but without a full scholarship it doesn’t make much sense in your situation.