burgerpizzatacocafe t1_j39hz7d wrote
What about her thighs, those jeans were painted on.
Shut up.
YOU shut up.
"No, all of you. I can't hear myself think."
Oh, look at that!
He wants to think.
Think, think, think. In Pooh bear's thinking corner.
"Oh, bother."
They're not going to believe you, you know.
They can't hear US.
You can't even hear us.
Your mother could hear us. Are you going to tell them about your mother?
Freud told them about your mother.
"Leave my mother out of it. You're the ones who killed her."
No, YOU did that.
You're gonna get the chair.
If you make it out of the room. What's that razor for, buddy?
"I haven't shaved in three weeks."
Maybe you look better with a beard.
Yes, better.
Easier to identify.
Your mom had a beard.
"I said leave her out of it!"
We heard you.
We're always listening.
They won't, though.
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