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Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_j563cvr wrote

Im guessing they’re actively plowing and salting the roads? Idk how good the city is about plows this us my first winter there


outb0undflight t1_j564j3q wrote

Looks a little slushy for me but not sticking too bad. Work from home though so I haven't actually been outside to check yet.


Ok-Contribution1986 t1_j565a8e wrote

Continuous heavy snow .. road is clear . I took plantation st , Belmont st


SmartSherbet t1_j56gp5k wrote

Accumulating on grass the the roads are just wet. Must be just above freezing. But be careful; if the temp drops a couple degrees it could turn very nasty fast.


pigs_in_chocolate t1_j56kpwc wrote

Temperature is supposed to drop so it could get messy but it was fine at 2:10 on 290 and Burncoat and Shrews


Karaxxlee4785 t1_j56nzu9 wrote

I drove for work doing door dash and GrubHub the roads are surprisingly clear even with the continued snowfall. Fingers crossed it stays that way lol I need to work. But even side roads are clear.


apple-masher t1_j56sbhi wrote

not at all. roads are clear.
you should still leave early though. because it's friday, and you're tired.


NativeSon508 t1_j56u95p wrote

South of the city has been all rain with a tiny bit of flakes mixed in. No accumulation