Submitted by flyingWeez t3_yrg5ch in RhodeIsland

I just logged on to my account to pay my gas and electric bill for October and I had a $64 credit in both of my accounts? Am I crazy, is anyone else seeing this?



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buddhamanjpb t1_ivtg3bq wrote

It's due to an old lawsuit back in the National Grid days. Should be on everyone's next bill.


Coincel_pro t1_ivtw4ce wrote

It's a one time credit.

They'll get that money back next bill from you tho.


timwontwin t1_ivvjvt1 wrote

The 46% increase in energy costs will get that right back shortly. Have no idea how such an insane jump is being accepted.


FNicole86 t1_ivvlg6i wrote

Im curious if the company will cut me a check? I used to have gas and electric bills like everyone before i moved about 2 months ago to a place with them included.


Simonsays2526 t1_ivvoxzb wrote

Save it, you’re going to need it next month.


mydrivec t1_ivwpivd wrote

I also have one. $63.92


MarlKarx-1818 t1_ivx061e wrote

The ghost of Kalus bringing her campaign promises


SuddenlySimple t1_ivy2bi8 wrote

Yea Mckee before midterm used his emergency powers that Ashley Klaus told him about 😂 thx Ashley