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Poconosmax t1_j29qvg0 wrote

Currently in Monroe County jail in Snydersville. Can't believe he is 5 miles from where I'm sitting..


Jordaneer t1_j2adosa wrote

I'm from Moscow (the town where the murders took place) and it's kind of weird knowing when I was out doordashing that evening, he was probably getting ready to kill people near where I was from

EDIT: Moscow Idaho in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.


U_Bahn t1_j2b6kfx wrote

Grew up in Moscow, Idaho, and now live in SE PA, so this story has taken an even weirder turn for me.


LinIsStrong t1_j2bspkb wrote

Ditto, I went to U Idaho there - pea and lentil capital of the world! - and lived in apartments not far from where the murders occurred. Then the guy ends up in PA not that far from where I live now. The whole thing is just too horrible. My heart goes out to the families.


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2ahxjx wrote

For some reason, I'm stuck on a Moscow, Idaho.


Jordaneer t1_j2aquvg wrote

This is in Idaho, roughly 300 miles east of Seattle


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2bjczy wrote

Am I mistaken? Isn't that what I said?


delusions- t1_j2dtjv8 wrote

Idaho is a state in the United States of America. A city is a human settlement of notable size.


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2du49t wrote

Well now I'm more confused. Isn't Moscow in Russia?


Spellscroll t1_j2e1m94 wrote

City names are often reused. Ex: there are 24 towns worldwide named Dublin, including the obvious famous one.


delusions- t1_j2edtgb wrote

Hi More Confused, I'm dad.

Mos Cow, is the milk bar one sector away from Mos Eisley.

Mos Eisley was a spaceport on the desert planet of Tatooine.

Russia is a country in the fictional Jesus universe


McCooms t1_j2c05cj wrote

Today I learned Idaho is considered the PNW


Jordaneer t1_j2ca9cv wrote

The north part of Idaho (where I live and this took place) is way closer culturally to Eastern and Central Washington state than to the southern part of Idaho. Therefore if you consider Washington state part of the Pacific Northwest, then North Idaho also is


McCooms t1_j2cdg4i wrote

Totally agree, and have been debating this “Oregonian” below because he KNOWS he is right since he lived there for a decade.


CraWLee t1_j2c2o2o wrote

It's not 😂 they wish they were. It's Midwest through and through.


country_donut_time t1_j2c7r3n wrote

Idaho is not at all considered Midwest. Pacific Northwest (N. Idaho) or Inland Northwest/Intermountain West (S. Idaho), but absolutely not Midwest.


CraWLee t1_j2c8oxr wrote

Hey logic! Do not take my statement as an assault, but "inland" nw is made up, it's more like outskirts West by mid-west. Jackson hole(which is mid west) is like 20 miles from the Idaho/Wyoming boarder. Idaho is irrefutably midwest. I'll contest to Northern Idaho as eastern pnw, but that's like calling something inland 😆


McCooms t1_j2c33y5 wrote

I googled it before commenting, it is the Pacific North West from what I found.


CraWLee t1_j2c3kpi wrote

I'm just speaking from experience and the fact that I lived in Oregon for over a decade. Idaho is West-mid-West. 😆


McCooms t1_j2c3wxr wrote

Yeah, but they’re from Idaho and they’re saying it’s the PNW. In addition to the internet. Not sure why all of that is trumped by you living in Oregon for however long.


CraWLee t1_j2c40y1 wrote

I reference my first comment, they wish.


McCooms t1_j2c5dgf wrote

And I reference google search results. You wish.


CraWLee t1_j2c5hu7 wrote

You don't get it. Get off the internet and travel a little. You won't have to reference Google for geographical information 😂


McCooms t1_j2c6ojk wrote

That’s cool, but by your logic you’re still wrong. Guess we should all listen to the guy who lived in Oregon over the person who lived in Idaho 🙄


CraWLee t1_j2c76f1 wrote

You are like talking to a brick wall. Here's another example to clarify what I'm saying. People that live in new Jersey across the river from Philly, say they're from Philly. They're not, but that's what they say then you find where they actually live and you explain to them that they live in Jersey, not Philly. This conversation is done, you have no life experience to dwell on and only have Google for references, you're essentially a bot.


McCooms t1_j2ccpqm wrote

Are you one of those people who won’t change their mind even when evidence and anecdote tell you you’re wrong? If you don’t think so you may want to reflect on it a little longer if after the below you still think you’re right.

Go to Wikipedia to check for yourself, but I’ve saved you the trouble. While there is not a consensus on which of the three options below is true “PNW” all include Idaho.

“The map below shows three possibilities: (1) The shaded area shows the historical Oregon Country. (2) The green line shows the Cascadia bioregion.[6] (3) The labeled states and provinces include Washington, Idaho, Oregon and British Columbia.”

Pacific North West


CraWLee t1_j2cg567 wrote

Like I said I've lived in the PNW and have been to Idaho and lived in shortly. My statement is but perspective, but if you've ever been to either you'd understand wth I'm talking about.

One last key factor, Idaho does not touch the Pacific ocean, so how could it be classified pnw.


McCooms t1_j2cgube wrote

I’ve been to both, with friends living in Bend and Eugene who I’ve visited several times. Drove from Seattle to the Olympic peninsula along the Juan de Fuca straight from Port Angeles. Went down to second beach and La Push and went through the rain forest. Took the train south from Seattle to Portland. Drove from Eugene to Boise. Didn’t spend a ton of time in Boise but overall I agree it didn’t add up as being the Pacific Northwest. However, I was not in Northern Idaho, where the poster above says it is culturally closer to PNW. Given that everything on the internet agrees with them, I’m going with them.

Does that cover all of our bases?


CraWLee t1_j2chjxz wrote

😂 definitely 👏. Northern Idaho should for sure be dubbed it's own state, it's totally different than the rest of ID. Culturally wise, it's more like Utah though to add to the argument 😅


[deleted] t1_j2cgosj wrote



CraWLee t1_j2ch6g1 wrote

And you've been to Idaho? 😂 I hear what you're saying, I'm just stating that the title of pnw has no business including Idaho. Apparently Alaska is apart of the pnw too, I beg to differ on that one as well.


[deleted] t1_j2chm9d wrote



CraWLee t1_j2ci9hu wrote

So you don't agree that Idaho is a completely different geographical dynamic than the rest of the pnw? Again, it's not even attached to the Pacific in anyway shape or form.


[deleted] t1_j2cj6k6 wrote



CraWLee t1_j2cjj3y wrote

Oregon key word there. Portland is a city, not a state and that's Portland fucking Oregon.


CraWLee t1_j2cjlq1 wrote

Wasn't meant to be rude if misconstrued.


newsreadhjw t1_j2cljd3 wrote

Wtf are you talking about? You just proved you know nothing about the PNW, or the Midwest for that matter.


CraWLee t1_j2cmwyh wrote

Sure I don't. Your statement has made me see the truth. How could I ever have a difference of opinion from actual life experience and perspective, I pray thee forgive me, I know nothing about anything and then some. Thank you so much for your clarity. I bow to you for your insight be so fruitful.


NoWarrantShutUp t1_j2aqw8b wrote

Have the sanctions impacted life a lot around there?


Jordaneer t1_j2ary0r wrote

This is a Moscow in the Pacific Northwest of the US. Not Russia


dunkeebutt t1_j2aui7c wrote

There's a Moscow outside the Poconos as well which makes it that much more confusing.


Bird_Brain4101112 t1_j2b1w6m wrote

Yea my first though was Moscow, PA? But I though the murders were in Idaho?


aloysiusdumonde t1_j2dyizz wrote

Since when is Idaho considered part of the PNW? Is Spokane even considered part of the PNW?


Jordaneer t1_j2egk8w wrote

Pretty much all of Washington state is considered part of the PNW, and north Idaho is way more integrated with Eastern Washington state than southern Idaho, so specifically North Idaho


bexter82 t1_j29trx0 wrote

I saw he was arrested in NEPA and immediately turned on our local news. Definitely wasn’t expecting to hear this today.


Poconosmax t1_j29x4ey wrote

Customer came in and told me this morning. I was like damn Poconos going to be all over the news.


the_dorf t1_j29t2hn wrote

Got my drivers license nearby and the 2019 Pocono Marathon ran on that road. Crazy


sirfuzzitoes t1_j2ahu2a wrote

I heard just an hour ago on npr he is already processed for extradition.


AstroBullivant t1_j2eigub wrote

I’m sure Snydersville loves that. Fall River, MA. still gets tourism from Lizzie Borden. Seriously, imagine being a small-town cop and suddenly having to guard a serial killer