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wagsman t1_iwmaqnj wrote

>During a search of Pusey’s house, officers found he’d kept the spent shotgun shells, identifying the states and dates he harvested turkeys.

What a dumbass. That's what got him. They wouldnt have know about half of those if he hadn't kept the evidence.


KindKill267 t1_iwmfg5n wrote

I hate poachers, especially with the declining turkey numbers that are being reported. Social media and hunting industry has made hunting into a "I got it done" mentality along with you gotta do this and buy this and blah blah blah. What ever happened to figuring the animal out?


Doug4Prison t1_iwmk4i3 wrote

A friend of a friend thinks I'm weird for trying to find a high traffic area on game lands and just sitting there from sunrise to dusk with my 200$ 308 and 200$ glass. Personally I think he's weird for using tree stands with his tikka 7mm08 on private farm land where the deer totally aren't fed and baited. Jokes on me for wasting a shitload of tags I guess.


brynnflynn t1_iwnh2cf wrote

So as someone who someday wants to hunt but can't until life stops being complicated--could you explain more about what's 'weird' in both situations? It sounds kind of like your friend thinks you're weird because you'll 'never get anything' on public lands, while you think he's weird for basically hunting in a barrel with deer that are habituated to being there and having plenty of food?


Jorsonner t1_iwnknna wrote

Well there’s the concept of “fair chase” which basically means you aren’t using too many unfair advantages like baiting and tree stands. It’s more natural and humane. It’s also more skillful and rewarding because anybody can sit for a few hours and get something when they’ve been baiting it to be there for months.


Doug4Prison t1_iwnp898 wrote

Well for me I can afford an actually expensive rifle and glass, and doing all the shit with calls and salt licks and the smells, but I see no point because I can still hit a silver dollar for 100y and that is all you need in the woods and I kind of like chilling in the woods freezing my nuts off for a week as vacation and if I get something that's a bonus. The other is just paying way more than you have actually need to fill a freezer. I just don't see the point in having a probably 1500$+ gun to shoot 25y from a tree to get meat on the first day.


brynnflynn t1_iwo0vul wrote

Thank you! That makes a lot of sense.


nickisaboss t1_iwv7ntl wrote

Also, if you are hunting legally, you have paid for a license. You have given money to a program designed to promote hunting & provide good public land for hunting. It is foolish to NOT take advantage of these services (state game lands).


Jiveturkwy158 t1_iwnmfhy wrote

It’s all about how you want to hunt. I personally can’t sit over bait/food plots or hunt habituated deer, but I’ll admit if I had a tag to burn and all was legal I might at the end of a season to fill the freezer. But I’d much rather figure out the animal or an area, I feel more connected to it. It’s really whatever you want to make of it.


SurfinPirate t1_iwmoqnk wrote

> During a search of Pusey’s house, officers found he’d kept the spent shotgun shells, identifying the states and dates he harvested turkeys.

> Officers documented finding 83 spent casings in a collection that dated back to 2012. Fourteen of those were dated within three months of his first hunting suspension in 2019.

Is you taking notes on a criminal fu&%ing conspiracy??


axeville t1_iwmmeds wrote

Surely taking away his license will stop him from ignoring hunting laws.


Puzzleheaded-Yard891 t1_iwmqeev wrote

Haha thoughts exactly. I'm pretty sure someone like this doesn't care if they have a license or not....


axeville t1_iwmth0z wrote


Puzzleheaded-Yard891 t1_iwmuave wrote

Wow... That's a massive operation.


[deleted] t1_iwnvbzt wrote



axeville t1_iwnxpjc wrote

Also the poor broke waterman suddenly shows up in a new Mercedes pissed off the others. $28 a pound times how many pounds?


Redlar t1_iwq9yti wrote

I grew up in MD near the Susquehanna River, the state is serious as a heart attack when it comes to Rockfish poaching.

I don't know if it's still the case but back then PA wouldn't go along with MD's program to help save the Rockfish.


NewAlexandria t1_iwnwii6 wrote

if only there were a place he could be held, for a time, where he penitently reflects on the seriousness of the matter.


axeville t1_iwnxhim wrote

Forsooth that is reserved for only the most egregious of crimes (and those of African descent 🙄).


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iwm8x5x wrote

Quick facts:

Hanson Pusey poaching wild turkeys in 6 states faces first ever lifetime ban and fines. He hunted during off season, took turkeys without permission, destroyed trail cameras, and hunted while his hunting license was suspended.

PA turkey hunting laws:


zorioneku t1_iwma66l wrote

Well I for one am sure that he’s learned his lesson this time! What’s that? He was caught poaching 83 times?!?

Yep, this lifetime ban will surely stick.


solipsisticsundays t1_iwmcl27 wrote

Just like that guy in another of today’s posts that has 12 DUI’s and a suspended license for the next 60 years…was caught driving drunk.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iwvyuik wrote

I know a guy similar to that. He kept getting DUIs and just kept driving. Eventually his license was suspended for like 20 years. At that point, he decided it would be better to just ride a motorcycle instead, that way he could go into fields and runaway from the cops. He managed that successfully and got his license back a few years ago. He’s a meth head now.


beeps-n-boops t1_iwmzfpw wrote

Gonna go out on a limb here and predict that this guy isn't going to adhere to the ban.


ZebZ t1_iwnizlu wrote

Don't people you can look at and just know right away they're a douchebag.

He is one of those people.


twin-shadows t1_iwppxcd wrote

Ban him from fishing also we don’t want him near the waterways.


UnableAdagio4166 t1_iwn8bhc wrote

I mean he was named pussy. Stands to reason he'd act like one. Pussy!


ThePopeJones t1_iwq0xzi wrote

This reminds me of a news story back in the day. It was a dude on trial for burglary. He said he was innocent of his charges. His proof was a detailed ledger book of all the shit he stole, where from, how much he got, and who he sold it to.

If I remember correctly he was found guilty of the crime he was on trial for. They also used the ledger to convict hom of other crimes and arrested a bunch of other folks.


shewy92 t1_iwve4jh wrote

Guy who illegally hunted is no longer allowed to legally hunt. Not much of a punishment. He'll just illegally hunt again


Huffy_too t1_iwrh9m9 wrote

An awful lot of work to harvest game that, quite frankly, are lousy eating.


DrYIMBY t1_iwzbnx7 wrote

Tell me without telling me you are lazy and can't cook.


Huffy_too t1_iwzentx wrote

Tell me without telling me you are stupid and inconsiderate.