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Relax007 t1_ix8ghrl wrote

So basically, millennials couldn’t afford kids. The resulting smaller generation that watched their older relatives get absolutely wrecked by student loans aren’t lining up to take the same lifetime vow of poverty. Shocking.

Edited to add, the fact that we have not fixed even one of the factors that made millennials have less kids will probably also contribute. If anything, it’s gotten worse since we’re now allowing the same banks that crashed the economy to buy up all of the housing and rent it back to us.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_ix8rzqc wrote

And school loan rates of the pre-reagan years were 6% for state loans, and 3% for national direct student loans, and a summer job could oay for at least one semester’s tuition. Also PA stopped supporting 75% of tuition for PASSHE to become almost the worst funded state system of higher education in the country.


borosuperfan t1_ix9xolb wrote

Thank you for bringing up the lack of state funding. My out of state friends can't believe how much Edinboro tuition cost me.


JethusChrissth t1_ix99127 wrote

I just turned 28 and can’t even think about starting a family. I JUST now make enough to afford the $1.5k a month one-bedroom rent in my area; and that’s cheap here. We are truly sad, lonely, and unfulfilled by life. No people who I knew and went to college with have kids yet—they’re all working the jobs they can and paying off their loans with little to no wiggle room for expanding their lives.

We’re so fucked.


Relax007 t1_ix9h9un wrote

I feel ya. I waited until I was at a point where we could afford to have a child and electricity/housing/student loans. By then, it was too late for us. It’s probably for the best. I’ll never be able to afford to put any money aside for a child’s future. I’ve paid off all of the money I borrowed for school and I still owe significantly more than I borrowed. I’ll likely pay on them until I’m dead. They’re more than my monthly mortgage and eat up 25% of my take home pay.


Vdjakkwkkkkek t1_ixc9nbu wrote

Maybe 28 year olds shouldn't be living alone in 1 bedroom apartments?

That's literally never been a thing, not sure why you feel entitled to it. It's wasteful.


BadRabiesJudger t1_ix9he2p wrote

The only conclusions i have come to for pro life are simple. They need cheap low income work forces and someone to fill the tithe basket. Millennials didn't want that so they are gonna force it out of em.


106473 t1_ix8sppd wrote

coughs blackrock


chrimack t1_ix8vr2z wrote

Yeah but Larry Fink has a huge hard-on for ESG investing so that makes up for it, right? Right?


NikD4866 t1_ix9lbg3 wrote

Many Millennials just don’t WANT kids. They’re used to their childless life.
I don’t think anyone ever is confident on the affordability factor. But many ARE certain on the fact that quality of life and difficulty to live are inversely proportional and it’s only going downhill. Millennials are also heavy into hookup culture, which isn’t great for child stability. But I’m a millennial and I have 4 kids. My bank owns a crapshack in my name that I had to fix myself to get a certificate of occupancy for. Married since we were 18. it CAN be done, it’s just not as comfortable as previous generations had it and my margin is smaller and I have to be careful. But if I had to compare my life to previous generations financially I’d drive myself into an early grave. But my kids don’t know that, to them it’s just life as always and will Continue to be. It’s like They’ve been born in captivity lol - it’s all they’ll ever know, and they’ll find their own loopholes to exploit in the name of success, just like the rest of us do.


lehigh_larry t1_ix90m0r wrote

What banks are you referring to in that last part?


Relax007 t1_ix94ktp wrote

JP Morgan:

I swear I saw an article about Wells Fargo doing this, but I can’t find it anywhere so maybe I was mistaken.

Lloyds (largest lending institution in the UK:

Mainly corporations are doing this (as someone noted, Blackrock)

There are better sources, but I’m a little time crunched. I’ll come back and edit if I have time, but a Google search turns up lots of articles about that problem from different perspectives/areas.


drxdrg08 t1_ixax3w4 wrote

> So basically, millennials couldn’t afford kids.

People had more kids during WWII in Europe. It's not that they can't afford. They are just brainwashed to think it's not important.


Relax007 t1_ixcjdal wrote

You are omitting the fact that reliable birth control methods were not widely known, accepted, or available. Birth control wasn’t even legal and the pill hadn’t been invented. Of course more children were born before women were able to prevent pregnancy.