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mdpaoli t1_iy0bjym wrote

Probably a current or former PA Supreme Court justice. The gold emblem on the plate is the emblem of the court.


Yotsubato t1_iy184u1 wrote

Or just a clown who puts that there so cops don’t pull them over


kifn2 t1_iy38i6y wrote

They're not mutually exclusive. Could be a former justice & clown who puts it there so cops don't pull them over.


shewy92 t1_iy8z3ri wrote

Does the DMV allow single character vanity plates?


Yotsubato t1_iy8z6pe wrote

This is two digits. But most do, if you can actually procure one.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy03eqh wrote

I think it’s a judges plate of some sort OP. I found this:

The ones at the top seem pretty similar, though they are a bit older. But that’s the only one I could find with those symbols on there.


diatriose OP t1_iy03m1g wrote

So I'd seen ones with the gold jawn on one side or the other but not both sides. I'm perplexed!


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy03sae wrote

Yeah, I’m thinking maybe these are a newer version? That or they’re for some other specific position. The ones on that site I linked are from 99, so certainly possible. Does this one have the CC under that blur?


jwill602 t1_iy07lci wrote

The plate is at least 5 years old, since the tag says 9-17


kabrex t1_iy083bu wrote

That was the last year we needed stickers.


jwill602 t1_iy08hiz wrote

Correct, so the plate existed at least that long ago.


IamSauerKraut t1_iy478k1 wrote

So, it belongs to an appeals level judge who was on the bench in 2017 and who drives an overpriced status symbol bought/leased from a Rt 30 dealership?


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy08646 wrote

Ah, missed that. Still very possible it changed between 99 and 17 though.


jwill602 t1_iy091vj wrote

It’s possible, but looking at other plates in your link, the fact that it says “” at the bottom instead of something about a court makes it inconsistent with the other designs.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iy0aouq wrote

I looked it up and the website was added to seemingly most plates in 2003, so it makes sense it would have it given the tag.

The only license plates I can find with that coat of arms are those court plates I linked. So it seems fairly likely this a newer version of those older court plates (or another similar specific political position). If you have any other evidence, I’m all ears.


jwill602 t1_iy0cvzs wrote

My only evidence is that it doesn’t fit with the other plates on the page. I know my state rep’s plate doesn’t have the website and he was elected long after 2003. It says Representative, like the ones in your linked page.


Zoeysmama1018 t1_iy0t3g2 wrote

No tags necessary in PA for years. They’ve been discontinued as people were stealing them.


mainelinerzzzzz t1_iy0ybmo wrote

They were discontinued once the PSP plate readers were up and fully running.


jwill602 t1_iy1y0s6 wrote

Correct. That’s how I know how old it is


DeadSwaggerStorage t1_iy1gyft wrote

Nah; stickers hasn’t been used in years; cops just scan your plate.


jwill602 t1_iy1xzsz wrote

Correct. Which is how I’m able to date the plate.


point_breeze69 t1_iy1i56w wrote

So they’re driving around with expired plates? Probably a government official then.


jwill602 t1_iy1y1wt wrote

Are you from PA? We don’t use the tags any more


diatriose OP t1_iy048v3 wrote

No CC. No other markings just a 2-digit number


Repo_co t1_iy1j75a wrote

I thought I was on the Pittsburgh sub until I saw jawn lol, then I realized this was the PA sub.


dSlice94 t1_iy05u5i wrote

I’m sure if it was pulled over for investigation, the conversation would go, “do you even know who I am?”


gettin_it_in t1_iy0l41d wrote

I think the plate is intended to prevent that from happening lol.


WookieeSteakIsChewie t1_iy15zvh wrote

Sent it to a few troopers I know, they had no idea what it is. Never seen it before.


dSlice94 t1_iy15m6m wrote

They legally have the ability to disregard speed for an emergency vote.


tbluhp t1_iy1figw wrote

hope that wasn’t an joke.


IamSauerKraut t1_iy47fss wrote

You mean like that LanCo CCP judge a few years ago?


Allemaengel t1_iy02dco wrote

Is that a step rep or state senator's plate? They get a vehicle allowance benefit too which could explain what they're driving, lol.


diatriose OP t1_iy02lsm wrote

I looked up state rep plates and they're different


Allemaengel t1_iy02z2p wrote

Huh, do the state supreme court justices get their own or something?

I've never seen that one before so good question.


BigfootTundra t1_iy1k6xs wrote

I don’t think so. My neighbor growing up was a state rep and his license plate didn’t look like this, though his did look different than the normal plate.


bitterbeerfaces t1_iy05jn5 wrote

I hope they get pulled over and cited for having that license plate frame. Lol


Cereal-Bowl5 t1_iy06cix wrote

What’s wrong with the frame


That_Checks t1_iy08axj wrote

Even though you can read everything you would need to read; they are illegal. Gotta have some frivolous reasons to pull people over so you can go fishing for more charges.


SgtBaxter t1_iy35apr wrote

They are only illegal if they obscure registration info, and that frame obscures nothing.


WhiskeyandScars t1_iy076a6 wrote

They're illegal now


Cereal-Bowl5 t1_iy07vrq wrote

Oh actually? When’d that start? I don’t have one but I feel like many people still have the one the dealership tacked on their car


KeisterApartments t1_iy0pt3q wrote

Thank goodness for that brave Philadelphia officer, ridding the streets of scum like that


mainelinerzzzzz t1_iy0zckq wrote

Philadelphia city police have been banned from pulling over people for “minor traffic infractions”. No tag - no problem. No inspection - no problem. Broken brake light or piddidle - no problem. No wonder Philly is going buck wild.


WhiskeyandScars t1_iy09aud wrote

I mean, I guess they're still technically legal. But if any part of it covers any wording on the plate it's illegal.


axeville t1_iy0rmbl wrote

The frame says "I dare you to question my license plate frame. Go on..." lollll


gkrash t1_iy21wk1 wrote

Is this a fake / some sov-cit nonsense? It looks kinda like the judge plates, but none I can find have the emblem on both sides.

Additionally, every single one of the govt / specialty plates have text indicating what it’s for in place of the ‘’ at the bottom..


TwasAKuntNugget t1_iy04aea wrote

Is what is blurred a letter, letter and a number or?


diatriose OP t1_iy04c55 wrote

2-digit number


avo_cado t1_iy1mnt0 wrote

Blurring license plate numbers makes no sense because they’re meant to be public information


pineapplevega t1_iy073p6 wrote

From what I can tell, they're well off. That's about it.


NoMercyJon t1_iy3143t wrote

Oooh looks like a politician pointing out to cops they're special and above the law.


_melsky t1_iy0bkhz wrote

I saw a plate yesterday with just a single letter (Q) but on the left side there was a small square with an owl picture (same as the wildlife conserve one) and a small RC running vertically down the right side of the picture.


Livid-Departure4314 t1_iy0kyip wrote

Most likely a supreme court judge in that state. Its a special plate that is a GIANT FLAG to police to not even think about ticketing this car. Most civilians won't know what it is on purpose. "Security reasons"


djb25 t1_iy16w3t wrote

oh, yes, a license plate with a single digit surrounded by two golden crests.

no civilian would ever notice such things.


_SundaeDriver t1_iy18awq wrote

Are they part of the plate or are they stuck on. It’s the state flag but looks like they put it on themselves


CltAltAcctDel t1_iy1bmtm wrote

If I was state official I’d have an ordinary license plate. The last thing I’d do is have a plate that say ‘hey look at me. I’m special’


RaferoniS t1_iy1fuf7 wrote

Daylin Leach is former Senator and of Wayne, PA 🤷🏻‍♂️


danjay0213 t1_iy1hdvx wrote

Some political figure in the state.


PennyLiner t1_iy22mbz wrote

Call the Land Rover place in Wayne PA and ask them?


fishntools t1_iy3gtwt wrote

Means they can drive at 100 mph all day long!


Phl_worldwide t1_iy428sn wrote

Now I’m curious about what the number is lol.


h3mip3nultim4te t1_iy0n88e wrote

My money is on a President Judge of a statewide court from the Philly area. President Judge Cohn Jubelirer of the Commonwealth Court and President Judge Panella of the Superior Court are both from the Lehigh Valley but maybe they shop in Montco?


amishtoad t1_iy30ops wrote

This is some bullshit. Why should anyone get a special plate just because they work in/for government?


[deleted] t1_iy086il wrote



diatriose OP t1_iy08qo2 wrote

I checked, they have a totally different plate


gslavik t1_iy15m4e wrote

NYCer in me says that it's a cop dodging tolls and traffic enforcement cameras.


mmaclasky t1_iy0sfgv wrote

I think it's just regular vanity visit PA license tag. I don't think it's anything special. Maybe those are decals attached to the plate?


dherrmann t1_iy04tjv wrote

Probably an illegal job done by the owner


artificialavocado t1_iy06m5r wrote

Looks like a real plate to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


dherrmann t1_iy07cdk wrote

I agree that it’s real. The golden widgets aren’t official


diatriose OP t1_iy0bcut wrote

They're used on common court judges cars just never seen one on either side before