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joefred111 t1_itu3u6o wrote

Let's get real - one of the smartest men ever, Stephen Hawking, needed a computer to talk.

FDR couldn't walk yet still was President through WWII.

I'm not saying Fetterman is brilliant, or an elder statesman.

What I am saying is this - you can question his policy proposals all you want, but if your biggest criticism of the debate is that he has speech issues (which he is likely to recover from) then you should really take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself what you stand for.


HailHarski t1_ity2bz4 wrote

Doesn't he have to debate on the Senate floor and committees for policies benefitting Pennsylvania?


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_ity4d4k wrote

Nobody in the Senate decides how they're going to vote based on floor debates. Literally no one. Floor debates are just a stage for campaign sound bytes.


HailHarski t1_ity72q4 wrote

Ah yes, so there are no negotiations between houses of Congress or pork and barrel legislation benefitting the constituents of PA /s. Fetterman is in the wrong profession and I hope Pennsylvania residents will cast their political views aside and utilize logic instead of feelings!


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_ity7pu1 wrote

Yes, and use said logic to realize Fetterman is the right choice. Unless you want your wives/daughters/sisters/etc to die because Oz thinks political officials should be part of the abortion decision.


joefred111 t1_ityy34d wrote

Oh, but I am utilizing logic.

Despite his lack of eloquence, I am voting for the candidate whose ideas I agree with, not the smarmy and polished one.

And no, legislators do not debate ideas on the Senate Floor. You've watched too many movies and not enough CSPAN. Usually the opposing party will just sit there and doze off or doomscroll while the other party does its thing.


HailHarski t1_iu1h92y wrote

Believe it or not, bipartisan legislation still gets passed. The main leftist talking point for the slaughtering of fetuses are the fringe cases that are rarer than a shiny Pokemon, that are extrapolated to be treated as a relevant point. Don't abuse Fetterman like you did Biden.


joefred111 t1_iu1wx5k wrote

Oh, I know it gets passed. Nowadays it's negotiated behind closed doors, though, not via swaying the rest of the Senate a la Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

I'm also curious how you can justify this statement from your previous comment...

>I hope Pennsylvania residents will cast their political views aside and utilize logic instead of feelings!

...with this one.

>The main leftist talking point for the slaughtering of fetuses

Saying people should use logic to vote and then immediately pivoting to an appeal to emotion seems contradictory to me.


Least-Sky6722 t1_iu3bgwl wrote

Your right, someone in his condition would just be a shill for Chuck Schumer and the Democratic party. He has no ability to rally support from other lawmakers around issues affecting PA, or to steer them away from policies that would hurt us. He can't negotiate or be taken seriously in congress. All he can do is vote down the line with Democrats and keep his mouth.


BigDumbIdiot43 t1_ittjju5 wrote

The guy suffered a stroke... I get this is your troll burner account but come on dude.


Significant_Night_65 t1_itto452 wrote

Yeah and he should be at home recovering, he doesn’t seem fit enough to be driving let alone being fit enough to be senator


nesquiksand2 t1_itusk29 wrote

Which home should he be resting in? His cattle farm in Florida, his house in Turkey, or his multimillion dollar mansion in Jersey? Oh wait...


bigcountryblues t1_itttube wrote

Imagine believing a stroke victim has the mental acuity to serve any public office 😂


tyrael459 t1_itupq1v wrote

There have likely been quite a few stroke victims who have served in political office. You’ve probably voted for some unknowingly, same for me. It’s just in this case, this race is highly visible and his stroke was recent.


Careless-Vast-7588 t1_ity7trq wrote

Imagine believing a known fraudster and charlatan has the integrity to serve any public office 😂


No-Professional-1884 t1_itto8gd wrote

How Christian of you to mock someone recovering from a stroke.

Do you have any Uvalde dead kid jokes you want to get of your chest too?


or10n_sharkfin t1_itxofjj wrote

Same people who voted in the guy that was mocking a disabled reporter.


BatoolKhan52 t1_ittj87x wrote

That's interesting, what part of scripture supports this meme? Are you under the impression that Jesus considers public speaking a vital necessity to lead?


[deleted] t1_itwrq22 wrote



BatoolKhan52 t1_itxel9b wrote

Read the story!

>10Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

>11The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? 12Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

>13But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”

>14Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses and he said, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you, and he will be glad to see you. 15You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. 16He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. 17But take this staff in your hand so you can perform the signs with it.”

Moses is a poor speaker, slow of tongue, and God lifts him up and empowers him to be able to speak more clearly! But even still, God allows him to enlist his brother to speak on his behalf, as he is more skilled at speaking. He does not elevate Aaron above Moses, but uses him according to his own abilities


[deleted] t1_itygxak wrote



curatedaccount t1_itv3gzu wrote

> Are you under the impression that Jesus considers public speaking a vital necessity to lead?

This is such a fantastic satirical answer it's gotta be genuine.


BatoolKhan52 t1_itv4g2j wrote

As I said, feel free to cite any scripture that says otherwise. I recommend reading it in any case!


tryingtobebetter09 t1_ittsuho wrote

>Jesus considers public speaking a vital necessity to lead?

I think just about everyone with any basic understanding of leadership would say so...kinda one of the biggest aspects of being a leader. Especially a senator.


Niebuhrs_Neighbor t1_ittjfov wrote

I think you’re missing the forest for the trees, friend.


BatoolKhan52 t1_ittky2s wrote

Lol well from my Christian perspective Jesus is the forest and I do not like to see Him misused for some dbags political meme


Extreme_Length7668 t1_itvspoj wrote

oh my dog, the guy that recently had a stroke and is in recovery stumbled over some of his words? I'm definitely voting for the fascist, carpetbagger, snake oil salesman now.


Edgeyville OP t1_itwevz1 wrote

it was a joke not a finger pointing contest. "But... but... the other guy!" Maybe they're both awful? But maybe its also not the best idea to elect "the guy that recently had a stroke and is in recovery". Aren't there enough vegetables in office? Maybe he could become president some day.


3_DOG_OUTT t1_itxwfbw wrote

How dare you speak facts!


HailHarski t1_ity27t8 wrote

Hivemind of reddit. Remember, these leftists voted for Biden just 2 years ago...


HailHarski t1_ity25tg wrote

He had a stroke five months ago. Why don't you string together a coherent argument against Oz rather than writing useless buzzwords?


Extreme_Length7668 t1_itytzqp wrote

You should re-read that last sentence,bud.

Also, a woman's health should be determined between her, her doctor, and the local politician.

All right women, start sending your stool samples to your local politician for their expert opinion.


[deleted] t1_ituia0y wrote

People with disabilities can do the same jobs as everyone else.

I'm used to being misunderstood when I explain how painful and life-altering fibromyalgia is.

Soon, I get fitted for a mobility scooter so I can go back to work. So everyone, stow your crap and vote for John Fetterman.


TheTrueLordHumungous t1_itujnbm wrote

There is so much cope going around this morning after Chunk got his ass handed to him in last evenings debate.


tyrael459 t1_ituq44x wrote

“It’s drawn all the finest people.”

Some people will get that reference.


ThunderySleep t1_ittfies wrote


There was plenty to criticize Fetterman on besides his speech. I do believe his speech is a relevant concern, but this is the lowest hanging fruit, when none of the fruit is very high to begin with.

I could look the other way on his speaking abilities. His little kid demeanor and constant interruptions were a different story.


Significant_Night_65 t1_ittisma wrote

speech? you could visibly see his brain turn off throughout the debate


Fosterchild56 t1_itu5xy2 wrote

There were some rough moments but i think you're referring to when he was reading the questions


Niebuhrs_Neighbor t1_ittifw0 wrote

If you get past the national media hype, Fetterman is honestly a clown show. Bad person and bad policies. Oz may be a bad person, but at least his policies are just run of the mill Chamber of Commerce stuff


tyrael459 t1_ituqdqq wrote

For some of them, yea, but for a bunch I can’t support the guy. He wants abortion to be up to politicians? He wants my tax dollars to go to school choice vouchers even if a kid wants to go to a private school? He supports Trump’s bullshit tax “cut” that did absolutely nothing for a guy like me who doesn’t make trip digits?

Oz is a clown, too.