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StupiderIdjit t1_j6s2gqy wrote

You literally described my scenario (but I don't live in the woods). Despite all that scrambling to scrimp, we still got hit with 1450 kwh - about $300 for a 2 bedroom apartment (we've only been using the one bedroom).


Mor_Tearach t1_j6s9blv wrote

WOW? It feels like the company is just, plain making crap UP at this point. And PPL sorta slid it in on us- we DID get a notification there would be a FORTY PERCENT increase 40???? So it transpires we can do simply nothing to counter it like deliberately use a lot less energy.

Feels like they're going to charge us anyway.


MomsSpecialFriend t1_j6sjami wrote

Everyone I know is freaking out about usage. We recognize the price went up but why would usage jump for every single customer to beyond anything they’ve ever used before? We are having an extremely mild winter.


Atrocious_1 t1_j6st9bv wrote

Because they're liars, that's why, and they know regulators won't do a thing


Mor_Tearach t1_j6uxjxk wrote

Time to start really screaming. I know I am. Our usage was absolutely WAY down- and yet it's not? Something is badly, badly wrong.