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Jacobn12x t1_j2b8uda wrote

> This is something Andy has already detailed on. Moving to smaller sets does not mean faster production.

Maybe so, but when we are talking about sets with thousands of kits being made compared to hundreds there will of course be some sort of difference. This is why GMK Dots took so long, while other sets were seemingly shooting out of the pipeline. The time to sort these sets and package them is also a concern, which adds time to a larger set comparatively.


> Like I said, upwards. While I don't know this specific designers' history with working with vendors/GMK, I was referencing community sets in general. Depending on the designer this stage could potentially take a very long time.

If designers properly match their renders to their chosen color reference, there is zero excuse why the colors should take more than one round of color matching unless the color is very bright, pale, or a shade of grey, black, or white. GMK uses proper equipment to color match according to the reference you are sending, so most color-matching rounds that are rejected are the designer's fault. GMK Dracula's colors were referenced using digital hex codes, which explains why it took an absurd amount of time to get it right.


> You're right but we can only base estimates off information we have

You can't say this and then further down in your comment say that shipping or designer's personal situations will somehow, someway go wrong.


bsiu t1_j2b97ci wrote

> You can't say this and then further down in your comment say that shipping or designer's personal situations will somehow, someway go wrong.

Except this is exactly what happend with a few sets.


Jacobn12x t1_j2b9jts wrote

Sure, maybe a few sets like GMK Minimal got left out in the rain and got ruined. Now tell me how that's GMK's fault and not the shipping courier's.


bsiu t1_j2baanh wrote

While my initial comment had a jest at GMK, I never blamed the entirety of "time to delivery" on GMK. Every part of the chain is a factor and many part of it out of control of GMK.


ZulkarnaenRafif t1_j2c59ic wrote

wat wrong with buy clone m8? gmk expensive :( need fortnite skins

why plastic expensive? their german?

>!This IC post gonna pop like corns in an oven. I guarantee you that. Sadly, I am not sure either because the good design or the GMK bad nano-drama again.!<