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rhymeasaurus t1_j46bd31 wrote

Stay away from the "tree" streets (Elm, Maple, Beech, etc) and do not rent from Blue Door Living. They grew too fast and their maintenance dept is too small to effectively service the number of units they have, so you'll be waiting weeks if anything breaks in your rental.


TravelingTequila t1_j46l164 wrote

The tree street rule of thumb is kinda BS. It applies to a part of nearly every tree street, but not the whole thing.

I bought a house on a tree street and a bunch of locals looked like I just signed up to die.

It was great for 5 years and my neighbors were lovely.


Wtfisgoinonhere t1_j46ngs5 wrote

100% agree, the tree street rule is overplayed. “Stay away from the 2000s block of Elm st” would be telling people to not venture to the nicest part of town