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raynedanser t1_j8njyjn wrote

That's awful. And not enough people care. :(


madroxinide t1_j8oc4ft wrote

Imagine having access to so much historical knowledge and science and wonder and settling on such a short sighted conclusion that eons of various weather/climate cycles are entirely overcome by a relatively benign and short existence.

Remember, being able to control the weather is conspiracy talk. Being able to impact the climate is science. Existing in the middle of a receding glacial period is science, but explaining the climate changes we see as a result of the cyclical changes on timescales we aren't that good at comprehending is absurdist denialism.

It's probably best if we don't do anything, right? I mean, we got to this point by doing stuff right? And nobody can agree or get along or fund anything enough to actually make any meaningful progress right? So if we stop doing stuff, the things that we did that made the climate so bad should stop happening so the climate should better because we were making it worse. So we should go to war with everyone else to make them stop doing stuff too because even if we stop doing stuff, other people will be doing stuff and it's the doing stuff part that makes the climate die. So we need to first do something to make everyone stop doing stuff and then we need to also stop doing stuff. And then after we do that we can let nature go back to doing nature things without any disruptions to the balance of nature. Then it will stay pristine and never change ever again because if there isn't anyone doing stuff, then nothing can change it. So this is the part where I demand all of you personally stop doing stuff like driving your car or drinking out of styrofoam because if you don't stop doing that stuff and also telling everyone else to stop doing that stuff, then more people might get the idea that doing stuff is ok, and we can't have that because doing stuff kills the planet and environment. And if I can get you to spread the word that nobody should be doing stuff, when I decide I'm gonna break the rules and do stuff, I'll be at an advantage over the other people because they think doing stuff is bad so they don't do stuff which means me doing stuff is more important and impactful and valuable to the other people that need stuff but don't yet understand they should forfeit stuff to save the planet and climate. So I make more money, we all feel better about you not doing stuff, and I'm set up in a better position to keep making stuff and making even more money from making the stuff because making stuff is bad but someone needs to do it and I've made sure that someone is me and not you.


HoboTeddy t1_j8oddad wrote

And the warmest year was 2021.

9 of the 10 warmest years on record for the Gulf have occurred in the last decade. The data goes back to 1982.


Sophistrysapien247 t1_j8orb9l wrote

Methane(CH4) is an insanely bad GHG compared to CO2. "Methane is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere.",trapping%20heat%20in%20the%20atmosphere.

And it can be remediate out of the atmosphere way quicker too.

So it's worse, and easy to remove from the atmosphere (even with no extra efforts). So if we just focused on CH4 as a starting point we could slow down a lot of warning.

The biggest source of methane is from farmed animals burping and farting. On top of the fact that it takes fossil fuels to run the machines to farm grain to feed them and get the food to them we could reduce so much warming emissions just from the food we eat.

It's something we could all do that would have a very measurable impact.

If you are complaining about people not giving a shit but you still eat animal products because you "recycle and don't buy plastic straws" you are kidding yourself and part of the problem.

It's something we can do while we wait for the large companies to be held accountable


SnooDoubts5781 t1_j8otc4g wrote

Mf please. Send money that will fix global whatever.


madroxinide t1_j8ou6ac wrote

See, this guy gets it.

Stop doing stuff cuz you are contributing to the killing of the planet. If you stop doing stuff as well as him, none of us would have to worry about the planet dying because we could all cancel out our impact of existence by just not imposing our existence onto the planet by doing stuff.

CO2 feeds plants and plants don't do as much stuff as animals so it's not so bad. But the animals that do stuff like burp, that's bad. Even worse is the people that do stuff that makes it so the animals do stuff. It's absurd. Anyways so if we stop doing the stuff with the animals, the animals no longer do the stuff with the burps, and the stuff that isn't carbon dioxide but is way way way worse stops doing stuff to the atmosphere and the planet and stuff. Smart.

He even gets the part where we stop doing stuff, tell everyone else to stop doing stuff, but also sit and wait for the people that are doing stuff to be held accountable for doing the stuff. So by stopping doing the stuff ourselves and waiting and depending on the other folks to stop doing stuff, we can pretend less stuff is being done while the folks doing the stuff can do more of it and make more money from doing it because the stuff we didn't do meant they could step in and do more of it instead.


madroxinide t1_j8p5va4 wrote

Yea what you described sums up the "stop doing stuff" part well. But you really gotta follow it up with a statement about how its good for the environment else you might come off a little aggressive.

And the meat thing will solve itself after you and everyone else stops doing stuff. Cuz it's only a temporary problem of having lots of meat for a bit but after it rots and goes back to the earth the earth is healed and without people doing the stuff to make more animals there won't be any of those bad animals that make burps and farts and meat so the meat thing you only have to worry about once. But as long as we didn't do the stuff that makes the animals it's ok cuz then if the animals still exist and burp and fart it's ok because it wasn't caused by stuff we did, it was caused by stuff the animals did and as long as we didn't cause the animals, the animals are part of nature and good for the environment.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j8p6f7a wrote

No, we have to reach higher, wipe out every single animal, because they all burp and fart. Then when we don't see a difference, it's time to wipe out all humans, because humans also burp and fart. Then, after all animals and humans have died, earth will be safe from climate change.


maali74 t1_j8pfg2r wrote

Damn, I can ALMOST swim in it!


Sophistrysapien247 t1_j8pta76 wrote

Grass fed cows live longer and each cow (each pound of meat it produces) takes longer to mature and so the cow produces more methane per pound of finished meat. And also all the food they eat (soy, wheat, corn etc) are a lot of the 'vegan food'you are saying is 'equally bad because of the transportation emissions'... how do you think cows food gets to them? And do you really think it makes sense for everyone to eat grass fed? That's some first world thinking right there

Again, read the comparison between CO2 (from transportation) in contrast to CH4. I already covered all of that. It's all bad but if you recycle or something like that I bet you care about the environment. Most plastic waste comes not from consumer goods but fishing nets in the ocean. Yet we applaud people using less plastic and recycling.

Maybe look into your actual impact and the facts instead of kidding yourself


Sophistrysapien247 t1_j8pw5ip wrote

It's not as big of a difference as even the most transported meat substitute. since chickens have to eat a lot of calories to yield a lot of calories (trophic level heat loss) so we would still be growing all that grain to only yield 50% worth of calories of chicken. Did that make sense?


gingerbreadguy t1_j8pwy1p wrote

Yeah that makes sense. I eat neither so no need to convince me. Just searching for some low hanging fruit for people ready to make some changes. Got this particular detail from a website focused on pets' climate footprint, and it sounded like chicken based pet food was significantly better than beef based, though I don't know how trustworthy that source was.


Sophistrysapien247 t1_j8px7tm wrote

Yeah, some other ways are not having a child (just one less child even... not zero children) and also drive an electric car. But considering most people est multiple times a day, those small choices are much more accessible than the other two. So to me small diet changes are the most accessible


elt0p0 t1_j8qzpw0 wrote

This is why lobsters are crawling north to Canada.


Sulla5485 t1_j8rjegk wrote

With CMP rates now, it's cheaper to burn 87 octane in a Toyota Corolla than it is to charge an EV at home 🤣🤣🤣


boon4376 t1_j8ro76l wrote

Gulf of St. Lawrence annual average water temperature is 45°F and PEI does produce some amazing lobsters.

Gulf of Maine average temperature is 42 for February alone.


bmlunar t1_j8vhqqk wrote

No need to debate Maine lobster industry for much longer


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j8w5i4q wrote

Routine flaring

>Routine flaring, also known as production flaring, is a method and current practice of disposing of large unwanted amounts of associated petroleum gas (APG) during crude oil extraction. The gas is first separated from the liquids and solids downstream of the wellhead, then released into a flare stack and combusted into earth's atmosphere (usually in an open diffusion flame). Where performed, the unwanted gas (mostly natural gas dominated by methane) has been deemed unprofitable, and may be referred to as stranded gas, flare gas, or simply as "waste gas".

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Sophistrysapien247 t1_j8w8d61 wrote

Choosing less animal products is a lot easier than reducing individual fossil fuel consumption.

Considering that CH4 is more potent and you'd also reduce supply chain emissions it really isn't that hard for the Huge impact it would make


HoboDeter t1_j8w8vwh wrote

I agree we should aim to decrease our consumption of animal products. Honestly its a great way to save money, and eat healthier. Decreased consumption has a lot of benefits even if you you don't care about the environmental impacts.


fishing2256 t1_j8xrj2y wrote

the Gulf has been fucked since the beginning of the 20th century; We lost the kelp forests, the fish, the mammals, and the birds. The only thing left to lose is the lobsters.