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randompersons90 t1_j9y5nu1 wrote

Personally, if I wake up before my alarm I NEED to check the time. Otherwise, I'll just nervously toss and turn in anticipation of it going off.


effinx t1_j9z526l wrote

Oh fuck ya I hear this. I am so nervous that it’s literally 5 min away or something.


wasaduck t1_j9zy7w5 wrote

It sucks when it IS 5 minutes away though.


markhewitt1978 t1_ja4k7ue wrote

Nah. At least then there's 5 mins snooze. Much better than being woken up by the alarm.


Lala6408 t1_j9z9drz wrote

If I check the time I start to spiral. Like “ok, if I fall asleep RIGHT NOW, I’ll still get 4 hours. Ok… and… GO! That didn’t work. But if I fall asleep NOW, I’ll still get 3 1/2, which is still decent. And…. GO!”

It’s best if I don’t know.


randompersons90 t1_j9za7hu wrote

Ouuu you're an optimizer


Lala6408 t1_j9zcry3 wrote

I like that a lot better than “Ouuu, you’re mentally ill.” Which is what went through my head while I was typing the comment.


zvii t1_j9z4eyj wrote

That's the point, just let it go and let your alarm wake you up when it's time, whether it's 1 minute or 1 hour. I practice this and can say it has considerably increased my amount of sleep and decreased the amount of restless tossing and turning I do in anticipation of the alarm going off. To the guy saying they can decide whether to just doze off or go to a deep sleep depending on the time left is crazy. Sometimes 5 or 10 minutes of a deep sleep can be as good feeling as a few hours throughout the night.


randompersons90 t1_j9z9rrd wrote

Oh wow, dude, I tried just letting my anxiety go and it totally worked! Fuck I should have tried this earlier, all these wasted years!


MK41144 t1_ja1alwi wrote

Like when people say "Don't worry." Ohhhhhhhh, DON'T worry, wow! Never thought of that!


zvii t1_ja3l9mf wrote

As much as you may disagree, it really can be that simple though. Hopefully you can get to better sleep, best of luck.


zvii t1_ja3l4gb wrote

I only mean the anxiety of "am I going to get enough sleep tonight." But it really is that simple, stop caring and just let your body sleep. Or not. And if not, take the rest as good enough. Works wonders if you don't care how much sleep you get and just go to bed when you're tired and get up when you wake up.

I used to be the worst sleeper until I finally just said fuck it. Now I sleep like a baby, my head hits the pillow and I'm OUT 99% of the time. Still have those nights where I feel like I was up all night, but the next day I feel absolutely no different. Once I let go of caring about it and worrying about the next day, the entire problem disappeared.


randompersons90 t1_ja4s5kv wrote

For me it's less about AM I going to get enough sleep. Its more " I need to wake up to do -important thing- is that soon? And important thing isn't going to go away for at least another 20 years


StoneTemplePilates t1_j9zhce8 wrote

Lol, that pretty much is how it works, though. Not that it's quick or easy, not at all, but consciously and consistently making a decision to let go of the things that cause you anxiety is literally one of the best ways to train your brain to work differently beyond medication.