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IDoPokeSmot t1_ja7ohmb wrote

If things get complicated, you can always hire a housekeeper. It's cheaper than you think and then you can spend that time together. Just my 2 cents on the matter.


kboscar1 t1_ja7qqrn wrote

how do you find a good housekeeper? i have looked online but only see the companies that are charging like $300 for a cleaning


StandardReplacement9 t1_ja846n6 wrote

You gotta ask around. If you know anyone who uses one, ask them for their cleaners info. Or just keep an eye out for any neighbors that are having a cleaner come. You can go introduce yourself and ask for their contact info. That’s how I found mine.


ck2b t1_jaavfwy wrote

I pay $100 for three hours (cash in hand) and this is Australia which is stupidly expensive. The cleaner does my 4 bed, 2 bath house in that time and helps us stay on top of things. There must be somewhere? I checked the classifieds to find mine. Gumtree online. Your equivalent would be Facebook marketplace (if they have a cleaning category) or Craigslist. I found that actual companies also advertise using these because it's free. Obviously with Craigslist use caution and ask to see evidence of police checks and bonded and insured that type of thing. For me, my insurance covers the cleaner and I just made sure she had a police check done. She's a lovely lady and has been very reliable.


drcatburger t1_ja8pacg wrote

HIGHLY RECOMMEND. This saved my marriage. At the height of the pandemic I was like IDGAF we’re hiring a cleaning service. They come every two weeks and I’d give up a lot before I’d give up Maria and her amazing crew.


thecasualchemist t1_ja8f57j wrote

I second this 100%. Even having a cleaning service come once a month is incredible. House cleaning has been a sore spot between my fiance and I, and this resolved the conflict entirely. It's been life-changing.

Our house is pretty small - maybe 1600sqft - and we pay $200 including a >20% tip. We live in a major city where cost of living is pretty high.

Finding a private company/small business owner is the way to go. If you contract through a large company (molly maids, etc) they're taking money off the top and less of that fee goes to the individuals actually doing the work.


didipause t1_ja82ivk wrote

The problem with us is when we’ve had a house cleaner we got extremely messy cause we knew she’d pick it I up next time. This doesn’t always work out. We’re way cleaner when it’s up to us.

Everyone is different though!


QueasyAd1142 t1_jab4uvy wrote

Cleaning people are there to clean, not pick up first, unless that is in the agreement.