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Radthereptile t1_j649a82 wrote

Since you’re saying a bully I’ll assume school either middle or high school. You tell a teacher. That’s the solution. Schools have a 0 tolerance policy for that. And if by some odd means that teacher doesn’t care tell a different one, heck go to the principal if nobody listens. I promise you teachers will address this and stop it if you let them know.


Askmyrkr t1_j64ebjv wrote

So i see you went to a home school.

Teachers don't do shit, and the zero tolerance policy means that you get in trouble too for being a victim.


Radthereptile t1_j64en4s wrote

You only think they don’t do anything because you never spoke up. Tell them, tell the principal. Schools do not need the law suit from a kid being bullied. I assure you they’ll step in.

Edit: On the chance you’re getting bullied and you spoke up without help, go to your principal and say you’re being bullied and you don’t feel safe. Make sure you emphasize you don’t feel safe. Maybe you have a crap teacher and if so I’m sorry. But the principal should know not to play games with a kid feeling unsafe. It’s hard, trust me I was picked on and it was at a time teachers legit didn’t care. But you gotta be your own advocate. Alternatively tell your parents and let them complain to the school.
