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DrSpaecman t1_iugckuh wrote

There's also addiction potential if you start using drugs as a crutch to get you through uncomfortable times. I'd recommend them only if you absolutely need them. Flying is a great time to catch up on reading, movies, shows, music or games you've wanted to play but have been too distracted to do so outside of travel. My most productive reading happens on planes since there's no free wifi or cell service to distract me.


pseudocultist t1_iugfn3o wrote

Recovering alcoholic here, I wish I'd have learned to fly sober when I was younger, I thought I enjoyed flying, turns out I was a nervous wreck and I just liked being drunk the whole time, and it was very acceptable for a long time to do so.

In the past 2 years I've been learning to fly sober, and it's boring and tedious, but very doable. You do need to plan in advance what you will do for 20 minutes 2 hours, 8 hours, etc. Never get surprised by idle time, which is everywhere.

I like to make up little games for myself. Create backstories for the other travelers, eye flirt with the cute guy, etc. But mostly just read.