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TooShiftyForYou t1_j6odx5n wrote

For years now I've been an unemployed leather worker.

I've got nothing to hide.


Make_the_music_stop t1_j6os4o5 wrote

Gennaro is in this country for only 6 months. He walks to work 20 blocks every day and passes a shoe store. Each day he stops and looks in the window to admire the Boccelli leather shoes. He wants those shoes so much... it's all he can think about.

After about 2 months he saves the price of the shoes, $300, and purchases them. Every Friday night the Italian community holds a dance in the church basement. Gennaro seizes this opportunity to wear his new Boccelli leather shoes for the first time.

He asks Sophia to dance and as they dance he asks her 'Sophia, do you wear red panties tonight?' Startled, Sophia replies, 'Yes, Gennaro, I do wear red panties tonight, but how do you know?' Gennaro answers, 'I see the reflection in my new $300 Boccelli leather shoes. How do you like them?'

Next he asks Rosa to dance, and after a few minutes he asks,’’Rosa, do you wear white panties tonight?' Rosa answers, 'Yes ,Gennaro, I do, but how do you know that?' He replies, 'I see the reflection in my new $300 Boccelli leather shoes. How do you like them?'

Now as the evening is almost over and the last song is being played, Gennaro asks Carmela to dance. Midway through the dance his face turns red. He states,' Carmela, be stilla my heart, please please tell me you wear no panties tonight, please, please, tella me this is true!'

Carmela smiles coyly and answers, 'Yes Gennaro, I wear no panties tonight.'

Gennaro gasps, 'Thanka God...I thought I hada CRACKA in my $300 Boccelli leather shoes!'


edlee98765 t1_j6p81xd wrote

The gym fired me as a trainer.

Because I didn't work out.


Weird_Devil t1_j6phq5l wrote

I prefer: My wife and I got divorced because she was cheating on me with her gym trainer.

Guess it wasn’t working out


ProfessionalVolume93 t1_j6oqvb2 wrote

Every time I think I should go get a job I take two aspirin and have a lie down until the feeling goes away.


Infinite-Outcome-591 t1_j6o4k17 wrote

Sorry, what's NSFW mean? We're living in a world of acronyms. Excuse my ignorance...


graboidian t1_j6osk3s wrote

> Excuse my ignorance...

Maybe this can help you in the future.

If you come across another acronym you want to know the meaning of, type it into the Urban Dictionary and you will likely find your answer.

Or, ya know, you can just ask us here at Reddit.


jrdc2021 t1_j6pjz1x wrote

Depends. On some videos Ive seen it probably means Non Stop Furious Wanking


Henri_Dupont t1_j6p3crr wrote

I have a job as an NSFW.

National Science Foundation Worker.


WillemDafoesHugeCock t1_j6pipy1 wrote

I used to work as a legal aid for celibate homosexuals, but now IANAL.


withoutaaim t1_j6nxq0o wrote

My one got deleted


MinFootspace t1_j6nyj75 wrote

Your joke or your job?


withoutaaim t1_j6nypsr wrote

Joke about gym it's in my profile


Halilcan0 t1_j6nzel0 wrote

What's the joke i am so curious to see can you text me at the message


withoutaaim t1_j6o0az7 wrote

Boy what's the similarities between a push up bra
and a bag of chips

Girl I don't know

Boy as soon as you open it you realize It's half empty


Halilcan0 t1_j6o0uni wrote

Thats a good one you should post that in your account


withoutaaim t1_j6o1916 wrote

I did post it in my account but they delete it by bot moderator said it's not well ritten


yami76 t1_j6orw12 wrote

Lose the “boy/girl” stuff, make the first sentence the post title, and the punch line (last line) the post content.


graboidian t1_j6os472 wrote

May as well be NSFGF

(Not Safe For Girl Friend)


lassehp t1_j6p5gxd wrote

Well I have to admit that it has been so long ago in both cases, that I can't even remember if the latest job I had was a paid job or a blow job. Tragic, I know...


Routine_Lobster9920 t1_j6pfje7 wrote

Well that’s why so many redditors spend time on NSFW subreddits.


Amir3292 t1_j6p39iq wrote

Man I love this subreddit


punchedboa t1_j6p6c1v wrote

I'm at work right now got my own office so I'll open up whatever I want.


Glacierwolf55 t1_j6pg4or wrote

If you work for a national company best to pay a few $$ a year to log in with a VPN server so the network guru's dont discover you.