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[deleted] t1_j66yb0q wrote



rivenwyrm t1_j673wzp wrote

Sadly Isaac Arthurs' wife is a effectively a holocaust apologist and is campaigning to block good teaching practices as an elected official in Ohio, so I stopped watching his channel.


[deleted] t1_j679sb8 wrote



rivenwyrm t1_j67bu5f wrote

Fair enough, that's your call to make. I think his content is great I just couldn't keep listening but that's just a personal choice.


rixtil41 t1_j67d2tj wrote

What is a holocaust apologists? Did she get canceled ?


rivenwyrm t1_j67hj27 wrote

> What is a holocaust apologists

Someone who believes that what was done by individual Nazis (or Nazi aligned people) or Nazis as a whole during the Holocaust is not as bad as the historical record shows.

Sometimes this is because they're antisemitic, sometimes it's because they are white nationalists, sometimes they're just ignorant and uneducated, sometimes it's a different reason.

> antisemitism - hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

> Did she get canceled

She got some bad press and push back but she's still an elected official of Ohio. Go ask her constituents I guess.