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elporkco t1_isoufa1 wrote

Too many mirco brews have opened up in past few years. Market is saturated. Some starting to fold.


mynameisnotshamus t1_isp8s3d wrote

No sign at all that the market is saturated. It may be tough for mediocre or bad places to survive but if you’re good, you’ll do just fine.


Prize-Hedgehog t1_ispzwuf wrote

The problem with restaurants are good and affordable are so far apart right now. Food costs are expensive, not everyone can go out to eat every week. Especially to somewhere that it’s gonna cost you $100+ to go out on the regular.


mynameisnotshamus t1_isqn7ar wrote

I’m just talking about breweries. There are a lot of people out there. Each brewery is good for 30-100 people at a time give or take. Plenty of beer to go around


updownsidewayz OP t1_isoxign wrote

yah that's the common answer, though I was hoping to get something more specific (edit) like it was the taint of shebeen! it is in the old shebeen taproom location so that's what made me suspect it's them with a different name or owners disagreed and split or whatever it may be, just seems odd to open a new taproom then 6 month later close it up


elporkco t1_isp12c1 wrote

I don't know I have seen new restaurants open and close within six months. Location, parking, near by companion. And over estimates of demand. One place in my town has opened and closed under different names and owners 3 times in the past 2 yrs.


updownsidewayz OP t1_isp5sce wrote

all good, yah I've seen the same, places opening and closing in "rapid" succession in some "cursed" restaurant locations, anyway prob be one of those things that unless we hear from an insider or someone in the know it will just be a generic reason... was asking because I saw a bunch well known ct foodie instagrammers and tiktokers (edit aka influensters) post about the place, the social media marketing worked out for the posters but not the business


Heavnly19 t1_ispal9y wrote

Yeah, I found out about them through CT foodie accounts, stopped in once, and next thing I knew they were closed. I was also wondering if there was a back story there.


Hyasfuq t1_ispznl5 wrote

With a name like Velvet Libations they were doomed to fail


Prize-Hedgehog t1_ispzi1t wrote

There’s a lot of shitty beer out there. I honestly have no idea how some of these places even make money.


updownsidewayz OP t1_isq1ir0 wrote

yah, I totally agree, by shitty I specifically mean beer that's poorly brewed and full of off flavors (not crazy adjuncts) and faults yet still does well because they happen to follow popular style trends, are brewed by some golden child places or brewers or has lots of good socials and marketing etc; versus beers I just don't enjoy or like but are brewed well without faults...anyway thanks for saying it, I mostly I don't bother mentioning it to avoid the wrath of the ipa bros and fony beer experts - I homebrewed for years and passed the BJCP test so I know some...; and dare I say I'm burnt out on neipas...?


QuestorPS7 t1_isqcfx0 wrote

I’m guessing something happened behind the scenes because they seemed to be doing well, were posting on their social media outlets, had a presence at some local fairs — then the closing announcement.


updownsidewayz OP t1_ist8pip wrote

that's what I suspect and was hoping to get the "backstory"


grapeaperapegape t1_it79be2 wrote

I talked to an employee there a few weeks before they closed a

They said 2 of their tanks suddenly needed to be replaced unexpectedly at a large expense

They were also having a hard time finding a cook and getting their kitchen approved by the wolcott health dept.

Sounds like they’re opening a place in Bridgeport in the next few months