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crruss t1_is55n18 wrote

I don’t live there so it’s not me but what do you consider to be a reactive/aggressive dog? Some people have very different ideas on what constitutes these descriptions so it may be hard to make a point without giving a bit more info. Did the dog bark? Lunge? Snap/bite? Jump? Growl? I don’t disagree with your request, only looking to find out more about what happened.


ResponsibleAd4479 OP t1_is5781s wrote

It was lunging, barking, and growling. The owner didn't intervene other than to move away from me. It seemed calm until I got a bit closer so I had no warning. I just walked past and ignored it because I didn't want to provoke it further.


crruss t1_is5944t wrote

That can be scary. My girlfriend’s dog barks and lunges but luckily she is small (11 lb) and easy to hold back on the leash. We try to warn people from a distance that she isn’t friendly so they don’t try to approach, and hold the leash close so she can’t get near anyone passing by. I was bitten by a big dog in the past so aggressive dogs make me a bit anxious. Unfortunately not everyone gives a shit how their dog’s behavior can affect others. I hope you can avoid that dog in the future.


FineWinePaperCup t1_is82zh8 wrote

Moving away is reacting. Trying to get the dog out if the situation. Common technique they teach you in reactive dog classes.


i_stay_turnt t1_isb5p8h wrote

As a dog owner, I just stay away from other dog owners. I don’t think what the dog owner did is unreasonable. I do believe Columbia is home to a lot of bad dog owners though.