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manos_de_pietro t1_j9kxerj wrote

Reply to comment by CafeVelo in A good car for an old folk? by imzeigen

Same. I bought a 1999 Toyota 4Runner last year and plan to drive it until one of us dies. I'm 55, so it's a toss up :p


CafeVelo t1_j9mhtzl wrote

I’m sort of in the market for a car but there’s a lot of factors. I’m 0% interested spending significant money on a petroleum vehicle and I don’t really think EVs are ready for prime time, nor do I want to spend what they currently cost. Plus, every EV I’ve seen is full of screens and I really do hate that. At the same time an older vehicle, especially at the price I’d care to spend, has its own problems. I know at some point I’ll have to face the music.


manos_de_pietro t1_j9mi5c2 wrote

Maybe a late - model hybrid would work? I was looking for a Sienna or Highlander but couldn't find one that I could afford and I was determined not to have a sedan (we already have those, need something with ride height and cargo space)