
thelastpizzaslice t1_iwx12m0 wrote

>And another false statement as an assumption, which makes everything that follows it invalid, again. You're not actually good at this, but you are wordy.

Your argument has a missing reference in the form of "another false statement", so I have no idea what it even says. Your follow-up statement also has a missing reference in the form of "good at this." What is "this"?


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwwziq6 wrote

Well, given that both the OP image says "Deaths from Police Violence", the OP title says "Deaths from Police Shootings" at the top and the link that jacktacular pointed out says "994 people shot dead by police in 2015", which matches the numbers in the link, I think it's safe to say they're both talking about shootings that specifically resulted in killings.

In the United States, trials do not occur post-mortem. If a person dies on the scene, no trial occurs.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwwx3gq wrote

Given that 32% of US adults say they own a gun, I think this is honestly a pretty flimsy excuse. Someone having a gun on their person is not justification on its own for the police to shoot them. And the police statistics don't even tell us whether the gun was even drawn, let alone aimed at the officer.

Take a read of the stories of death from your own source. After you read down far enough, you'll see a few cases where the individual aimed a gun at an officer....and dozens that sound like gunning down someone who was not at all a threat to the life of the officer. People with toy guns. People running away from the police. And this is the accounts written by the police. Imagine if we could read their side of the story! What a shame....they're dead so we'll never know.

If you want to know how dirty the American carceral system actually is, my recommendations would be either Matt Tiabi's The Divide or Johann Hari's Chasing the Scream. If you listen to either one on audiobook, I should warn you, they're filled to the brim with horrifying things no human being should hear without context, so listen to them somewhere private.


thelastpizzaslice t1_iwuoetl wrote

You're accusing victims of violence of being criminals without evidence.

See, we'd have the numbers of how many are criminals, but these people were shot, and never had their day in court. Many of them were innocent and unrelated to any crime, or did something obviously civil like selling products without a license or driving with expired tags.

It's incorrect to assume these people committed some crime that could warrant being murdered. Especially in a country with such an overdeveloped and inept carceral state as the US.


thelastpizzaslice t1_isy86ca wrote

I decided to copy paste the model into automatic1111 anyway. I made one based on a photo of Atul from spiritfarer with a loose description of him as "uncle frog spirit person" and it's actually the single best cartoon generator I've ever worked with. I've spent dozens of hours trying to make these things and this paper beat all of them on accident. What a time to be alive!

The author of this paper is apparently a genius who has built something better than TI or Dreambooth, and is massively understating his accomplishment.

Here's the three photos #1 is standard, #2 is dreambooth, #3 is imagic

This is Atul


thelastpizzaslice t1_ispl47u wrote

For img2img, if I could generate of one those masks that matches up to the various objects in the image, that would help a lot. Otherwise, I need to draw them or make them myself every time. Would be great as a feature in automatic1111's UI to auto-generate maskable regions to use in stable diffusion.

Also, I'd be interested in removing backgrounds and then re-generating them inside of different contexts to feed into dreambooth, i.e. to remove an object that is a part of a subject from its context and put it in a different one. For example, if I wanted to make a prosthetic arm that sits on a table, or if I want to make fried rice but remove the plate from the background and give it additional possible backgrounds instead. This will probably break dreambooth instead of doing what I want, but if it works, it's going to be some awesome witchcraft that lets me turn one object into a very different one.

I could just as well run it on my computer locally, but I do work on that machine and don't like using 100% of my GPU processing in the background.