
solariam t1_jdx6abh wrote

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no one's mad. If someone says "Massachusetts is all cities" and you say "not in the Berkshires", the implication is that everywhere but the Berkshires is cities.

Btw, the county with noho in it is Hampshire county, not Hampden. The counties in western Mass are Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire and Hampden. If you're gonna generalize about the region, you should make sure that what you're talking about applies to at least half the region.


solariam t1_jdx2glz wrote

πŸ˜‚ You responded to a comment that said western ma is queer friendly with commentary on the Berkshires, aka the most remote and rural quarter of the region.

Franklin county has greenfield, turners, and half of the towns surrounding UMass/sharing a school district with Amherst, as well as the leftier towns of Sunderland and Montague.

If you're only talking about the Berkshires, clarify that. Lol no one is arguing with you about the Berkshires, especially in a thread dominated with discussion of the pioneer valley.


solariam t1_jdwhp0i wrote

>It’s really just Hampshire county. If you go to the Berkshires, it’s not that great.

Me: what about these places in Franklin county? I live in Hampden county and there are queer spaces here.

You: Those aren't the Berkshires

Me: I never said they were, but implying that western Mass = Hampshire county or the Berkshires is also wrong. There are 4 counties in western ma and 3 of them are considered pretty LGBTQ friendly.


solariam t1_jdvi2nw wrote

There's nothing that is an exact equivalent imo-- I'm further east than you, but definitely still in western Mass and my personal tendency is to use alldi for everything I can use it for, and big y for everything else.

Honestly, when I was younger, I remember liking stop& shop a lot, but now I feel like only things I don't use are on sale.


solariam t1_jclpp6o wrote

Tobacco products are not permitted in many departments; you commit to that when you're hired. Anecdotally, I'd say there's one guy on the shift/in one station who occasionally dabbles (out of the group of 8ish who staff that station/shift for my firefighter, and the guy is an old timer). The cancer risk comes from constantly working around burning building materials/the culture around cleaning gear, which is shifting.


solariam t1_j4qpf0r wrote

Well, not really, because bartenders mostly notice the order in which people arrive, and I have a neck that can swivel 180 degrees, enabling me to address different people. The only line it creates is a horizontal one in front of the well/taps, which does not create a long tail that disrupts the barroom. I also can take orders as I run drinks to other parts of the bar.