
snackexchanger t1_j98uujf wrote

I had a similar experience a couple years ago. I was renting a very nice, newly built, 600 sq ft apartment in Portland for $1800. Moving up to Bangor I was looking for something similar. Couldn’t find it. A comparable apartment within walking distance to work was $2,500/month and I couldn’t justify paying more for the Bangor apartment than I had been paying in Portland. I ended up in an 1,100 sq ft apartment in Orono for $1,200/month.

As someone who makes much more than the average Bangor salary I would have happily paid more for a place but I couldn’t justify paying that much more for no more space or amenities so I ended up competing with college kids. And who is going to rent to a college kid when the other option is a couple that works works full time and had previously been renting a place 50% more expensive?


snackexchanger t1_j1ggjbe wrote

I prefer the method of just putting some ice cubes in a glass. If they they still have their shape when I get back then they didn’t melt. And you can tell even if they just melted a little bit because they’re is a puddle at the bottom of the glass. Means I don’t need to think ahead and freeze a cup of water or find a penny.

Also, as I/mrlonely_ pointed out you could have a situation where most of the cup melts but the penny ends up on a little iceberg so it doesn’t drop.


snackexchanger t1_j0r1gnr wrote

This is the first that I am hearing that the program is changing/being replaced. First I got screwed by the loan forgiveness because I refinanced my loans in February 2020.

Now the state credit is being cut roughly in half from a max of $4,500 down to $2,500? That’s quite a drop…

Now people who are above the $2,500 limit need to decide whether to take the financial hit in already tough economic times, especially for young people (which is the exact opposite of what they claim to be doing with this credit) or refinance their loans over a longer period, saving them money in the long run but keeping them in debt longer.

If you couldn’t tell I am not a fan of this change


snackexchanger t1_iy4heg9 wrote

Also, and this is mentioned in the DOT ruling, I actually don’t read those signs any more because they are almost always useless. And when people stop reading the useless signs they also miss when the sign actually says something useful (which is very rare but presumably that is the reason for the sign)


snackexchanger t1_iy4gsd7 wrote

Feels like those signs violate MUTCD – Official Ruling No. 2(09)-174 (I) – Uses of and Nonstandard Syntax on Changeable Message Signs (

NJDOT was recently told to stop putting silly messages on their changeable signs, surprised Maine hasn’t been told the same (


snackexchanger t1_ixvew5c wrote


>>E. Unless the permittee is operating a motorcycle or moped, the learner's permit requires the permittee to be accompanied by a licensed operator who:
(1) Has held a valid license for at least 2 years;
(2) Is at least 20 years of age;
(3) Is occupying a seat beside the driver; and
(4) Is licensed to operate the class vehicle operated by the permittee.

So no…


snackexchanger t1_ixflh17 wrote

The first 10 google google results (the entire first page) for "what does steam stand for" all agree that it is art. I have never heard anyone refer to the "a" as being for agriculture so I am interested where you heard that it does

>So what is STEAM, exactly? It’s essentially just a progression of the original acronym, adding one additional element: Art.

> professionals have developed the acronym STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math)...

>STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics)

>With the dawning of the 21st century came the evolution of S.T.E.M. to S.T.E.A.M., an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.

>STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

>STEAM Education is an approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.

>For educators, there is now a greater need for science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) concepts to integrate with the arts (STEAM) across the wider curriculum.

>STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics

>STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics

>You already know what the acronym, STEM, stands for – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Add an “A” for arts, and the acronym becomes STEAM.


snackexchanger t1_ivm907u wrote

I found the website you referenced (I think you called it goggle??) but I didn’t find any boatyards that said they had ever made a ferry before. They seem to all be large ships (BIW) or yachts (everyone else) but maybe I’m using goggle wrong because today was the first time I’ve heard about it so maybe you have honed your searching skills more than I