
sleevieb t1_jeah9jw wrote

Reply to comment by Gamegis in Best Pho? by TheRealJewf

I tried em all and the broth delta is WIDE.

Plus Denzel is a legend and I want to sit with buxom river ladies or Elvis.


sleevieb t1_jdte29y wrote

Reply to comment by m0arpepper in Towing at the VCU 7/11 by Allkin06

My dad talks about losing VW bug for weeks a time in the fan only to have a friend tell him he saw his car at the tow lot when they got theirs.

He would just buy another bug instead of pay the fees lol


sleevieb t1_jdjtj8q wrote

My understanding is these structures are kept together by commercial adhesives and thousands of bolts per floor.

>People need places to live and i assume this cuts building expense , not having the heavy duty steel i beam or concrete construction.

The origin of these structures is some developer figured out that a county code had been changed to no longer require steel and concrete construction as long as they had a fire suppression system that conformed to a new more stringent code. Once one of these things was built other developers in that city took notice, it spread across the state and then country.

I agree that it is a cost cutting measure and a solution to the problem of people not being able to afford to live. Similar to the construction of tenements was a response to horrible economic conditions.


> It won't last as long as pyramids but it doesn't need to.

The pyramids are tombs

> And there are very old wood structures around, i feel like the longevity of a building has a lot to do with care and upkeep.

I'm not denying that but I would think a concrete and steel structure requires much less upkeep and repair than a wood strucutre. Even with the outer layer of weather blocking that these structures have. I wonder if it will ever make economic sense to repair the top 4 floors above the concrete bases.


> I work in the fan on old houses and i assure you it takes a huge budget and an army of tradespeople to keep those things from totally falling apart.

Fan houses are not 4 stories tall. Nor do they have the density of these so the potential fire risk is greatly mitigated. I'm sure you know the exorbitant cost of rehabbing or maintaining one of these properties, even though it has been decades now where it made economic sense to refurbish and upkeep the houses.

> The new apartment buildings probably aren't meant to last a hundred years, they can always be pulled down and rebuilt.

I agree that they wont last 100 years and will probably require being torn down sometime in the future whether from degradation or their outlawing as fire risks.

> Who knows how people will want to use the space that far in the future?

I think the "fuck it let the people down the line figure it out" is a horrible way to urban plan.

Not sure what glue you mean, like in the plywood?


I thought these were made of Glue laminated timber or Cross laminated timber but maybe I was mistaken


sleevieb t1_jdjdpg6 wrote

Society is so fucked and wealth is so stratified that we began building tenaments again.

In decades when the first time renters of these units are long gone and no one can remember they were once “new luxury apartments “ they will be full of poor families who will be cooked alive as neglected pipes and aging wood and glue fail.


sleevieb t1_jaesy1j wrote

how could anyone possibly answer this question?

Are you insinuating that he is a drug dealer, a pill thief, or has his own script that you are using?

if you are getting drugs off the street it is a decent idea to test them for fentanyl.

And to not post about it on reddit.


sleevieb t1_jaecepu wrote

it is bad because he overpaid for the real estate and then did nothing with it. So all of the people that could have theoretically invested into that neighborhood were priced out and had to pick through worse lots.


08 of course spread everywhere but was residential single family home focused where as hilde's fallout is commercial.