
sjashe t1_j289it9 wrote

as well as the National Historic Park, canals, mill museum, historic graveyards (catch the tour by Richard Howe).

Concord MA for the Old North Bridge, Walden Pond, Lexington and Concord for the historic museums and Battle Road (especially on April 19)

Groton and Townsend for fascinating Graveyards (Groton was one of the original townships).

Parker's Maple Barn just over the border in Mason, NH (home of Johnie appleseed)


sjashe t1_iz48zr9 wrote

The original circumferential routes were to improve north/south travel along 128.. then 495 to ease north/south travel without going through Boston (reducing traffic in the city). These loops did not add a huge increase in miles.. though with increase in population 495 has become just as jammed as the city. This loop is really out of the way.

until there is more work at either end (or along) that route, there really isn't a true need for it, as it creates a long route for little purpose (other than getting more people to the New Hampshire exit routes from Mass.. so no real need to go beyond 95 in the North.


sjashe t1_ivv4svh wrote

Wow.. you are really the example of reddit commenter.

I said I have had insurance here for over 50 years.. first through parents, then through my employer for last 35 years. Im sure the insurer changed many times over the years, but I just checked my paystub and I paid 8.88 for a two week period.

Sorry your life is so tough. I'm saying I like my dental care. Sad that you let this get you so upset, life is too short for that.


sjashe t1_ivu7sm1 wrote

Sorry I don't post to your standard of acceptability.

Peterson is a fascinating speaker, making a great impact on thousands (more than any reddit poster).

As to me, if I've paid more than $30 a year over 50 years on dental costs (beyond the premium, which is <$5 a week), I'ld be surprised (and it was usually a mistake by the dentist where he overcharged.. and I let it go).


sjashe t1_ivq1mjk wrote

I voted no on that, because my dental insurance and plan has been very good and low cost for over 50 years.

Whenever you add more regulation and more laws.. and you get is a higher cost. Just watch what happens to our dental plans now.

I only wish our regular health care worked as well as our dental plans
