
ryseing t1_j1g1hj4 wrote

Watched Glass Onion earlier, Thai food has now been ordered. Thai curry of any sort is a wonderful food for the cold.

Thai Studio is solid and reasonably priced even with the Uber Eats upcharge. Very much recommend.


ryseing t1_ixe019z wrote

> I have been seeing a therapist and I told her I feel like an alien a lot. Like I am just visiting people on earth and observing them. The world is so cold and unforgiving, and I don't really seem to be able to connect with people emotionally. > >

It's expensive but I would look into a formal diagnosis with someone in the neurological field. I felt this way for a long time and had to do that for school, and it turns out I'm on the spectrum. I used the actors in a play and everyone knows their lines but me analogy, so close enough.

Holidays blow for people like us. It's gonna be alright, I say as I grind my teeth with the days continuing to get shorter.