
roshashana t1_ja1dw7o wrote

When it's cold outside and we want to get out of the house, my husband and I buy $1 fountain drinks from Cumbies, spike them with $1 nips, and drive to Providence Place to walk around and eat a mall pretzel. We don't even really walk into any of the stores (except sometimes the hot sauce store for samples) but we have a stupidly good time doing it and it cost like, $6 total.


roshashana t1_j2uynwl wrote

Revival Brewing/Lost Valley Pizza is one of my favorite spots and they're looking for servers and/or bartenders and/or chefs (or were the last I heard, at least). They have lots of music events, comedy nights, poetry readings, and other cool events - so not quite a music venue but along the lines of what you're describing. Everyone who works there is great, too!


roshashana t1_j2bxr50 wrote

Not in PVD but my husband and I both make the trek up to Boston Medical Center for our orthopedist, Dr. Nathan Cardoos. We are both life-long runners and we each had a few years where we just kept getting minor injuries (it felt like whack-a-mole..we would figure out one thing and another thing would pop up). He has been incredibly helpful in getting us both back on our feet (literally) and he has always taken the time to talk to us in the office, via their message portal, and on the phone when we've needed it.


roshashana t1_izcja5k wrote

I saw Bochek at the Warren Folks Festival a few months ago and they were excellent! Very fun to dance to (although difficult to predict for somone who hadn't heard of them before...still had a great time dancing though!)


roshashana t1_iwxjua0 wrote

I find myself wanting pastries as an afternoon snack so much more than a breakfast item. Moved to PVD 1.5 years ago and I'm still adjusting to the fact that no cafes are open in the afternoon! I'll sometimes wake up early, get one on the off chance I might want one later, and then have it later that afternoon/the next day. I miss the days I used to be able to spend my afternoon in a coffee shop reading with a tea and scone!