
regiegeorge t1_ivtf7ch wrote

No scam she just needed diapers. SNAP benefits do not cover toilet paper, or any paper products including diapers, feminine products. It’s nice of you to say you would have bought them without the card so make sure you offer next time. 😊


regiegeorge t1_ivklwzi wrote

I was just going to comment this exact thing. You know that’s code for he’s never going to be charged. Last time I checked it’s illegal to carry a firearm in NJ. “The suspect is reportedly a part of a program that allows workers at the Newark Department of Public Works”this is code for the father covering his azz. In todays climate only authorized workers should be allowed in any city department. “A program” smh yes because every teen is dying to be at the public works dept.


regiegeorge t1_iuf17yv wrote

Agree with all you said but politicians should put people over party. That is what Christie did that day and I respected him for it even though I didn’t care for him too much. Politicians work for us and that was lost somewhere along the way. Sad to say our country is so divided that if this happened now Christie would be branded a traitor.