
peaceville t1_iupl209 wrote

We have those. They go to the trails and parks. Should we just set up sharps boxes on all the trails and in all the parks so drug abusers can just shoot meth anywhere they please? They completely take over and violently trash every river and bike path close to town. Our city does ok but they can't make anyone shit in an outhouse or throw their needles away, and apparently they can't be bothered.

It's gross and disrespectful to the community and it's not about having other options. They trash every space they take here.


peaceville t1_iumr2jh wrote

Well it just did fucking happen a few months ago; another homeless drugged out creep made eye contact and followed me out of the library literally making growling guttural sounds like a demented psycho. I tucked to this area by the news stands to let him pass but he just stood behind me growling. When he realized I wasn't turning around he started screaming and took the GIANT LOG/STICK he was carrying and just started smashing it on a tree where it broke into pieces.

Some poor old man was stabbed in the fucking neck at 7 am downtown Starbucks here. Never happened huh? Must be nice to live somewhere where these fucking mutant tweeker homeless aggressive punks don't congregate! Unfortunately in my community this shit is real.


peaceville t1_iumf5iw wrote

I get it.

For that one honest, sad, deserving of respect man there's 10 who steal, use meth, harass, trash up and ruin our communities. I'm so sick of walking around shit and needles in our parks and dodging insanely scary meth addled beggars downtown.

This city of eugene oregon used to be chill and I was proud to live here. After years of other cities dumping their very aggressive mentally ill drug addicted assholes on our doorstep it's now a proper shit hole. I live in south eugene which is the nice side of town, I haven't been able to keep anything on my porch or yard that isn't nailed down. It's ridiculous and people are sick of this shit the homeless are allowed to get away with. They decriminalized drugs so now there's needles everywhere.

We're leaving soon, after living here for 30 years. I can't wait. I used to be a bleeding heart and did outreach and tried to help. I saved a woman from an attack once and put her in my car all bloody. She cried for awhile and I reassured her it would be ok. I ran into a 711 to buy her some smokes and food and she shot up in my car and left an uncapped needle under the seat of my car.

I'm just done. It's about my own safety and peace of mind at this point and the homeless in eugene have made this town incredibly unsafe. I don't want to live around a bunch of dangerous entitled homeless punks, why would I? I can't go to most parks, downtown, the library, and even hiking trails they WILL smash your windows. Can't keep a bike or any possessions outside your home here. When does everyone else count? Lol seriously?