
omgwtfbbqgrass t1_j2pb29x wrote

Reply to comment by Krail in How do galaxies move? by modsarebrainstems

It's not that gravity causes the expansion of space to stop, it's just that on relatively "small" scales we can safely ignore the expansion of space. Gravity still dominates even at the scale of galactic superclusters (for now). But increase the scale by comparing entities billions of light years away, and it's the expansion of space that dominates over gravity.


omgwtfbbqgrass t1_j2pb1nu wrote

Reply to comment by Krail in How do galaxies move? by modsarebrainstems

It's not that gravity causes the expansion of space to stop, it's just that on relatively "small" scales we can safely ignore the expansion of space. Gravity still dominates even at the scale of galactic superclusters (for now). But increase the scale by comparing entities billions of light years away, and it's the expansion of space that dominates over gravity.