
modsarefascists42 t1_j7tifgl wrote

Nothing, we just killed most of the species bigger than us when we evolved. Only ones we kept on purpose or ones that evolved alongside us in Africa were the main survivors.


modsarefascists42 t1_j6jbl4t wrote

No wonder bolsanaro wanted to murder them. Surprise surprise he fled the country as soon as it was obvious he couldn't do a successful coup to stay in power. And guess what piece of crap country took that brutal dictator in? Why the same one that helped put him into power, the United States.


modsarefascists42 t1_j0lxrl4 wrote

Check this out

There's another company doing something similar by building a tower and using barrels filled with garbage as the weights. Just using the excess solar energy to lift the buckets up high then let gravity return the energy. It doesn't matter if these methods are inefficient because the source of them is free solar power.

Edit: found a different company doing the same thing lol


modsarefascists42 t1_iwl7c3i wrote

This might just be the stupidest comment I've seen in weeks. Congratulations.

We literally named the ages of human progress by the metals we were able to use. Bronze age, iron age, then silver and gold for mythical ones.


modsarefascists42 t1_irmtizf wrote

Lol there it is. You're convinced that supplements are all evil and now that you've been proven wrong you're doubling down because you've taken this as an attack on you personally.

I gave you a fucking nature paper and the other is published in a major outlet. You're wrong, give it up.

Also taking basic supplements costs less than $10 a month. Is this seriously a hill worth dying on when it is such a clear benefit to pubic health? I mean for fucks sakes we add all kinds of vitamins to our foods already because we were as a population not getting the full amounts needed.

You're throwing a fit cus I'm advocating that people spend less than 10 a month taking basic vitamins, ones I've shown we are as a population are often lacking if not outright deficient in. Think about that.


modsarefascists42 t1_irmjjks wrote

You are the most absurd case of dunning Kruger I've seen on this awful site. There's literally DOZENS of studies done on this.

I'm honestly shocked you haven't started spouting antivax bullshit yet. What I am linking to you is very well known and has been studied for decades.

IDK why you're being so petulant but just give. it. up. You're wrong, stop trying to pretend like every source that isn't agreeing with you is invalid, the only thing wrong is the information you believe.

Also it's hilarious that you're ignoring peer reviewed papers yet linking some random YouTube shit.

Edit: here is one from Nature explicitly calling out your argument as harmful to public health.

Just because you believe something and you (maybe) went to medical school a generation ago does NOT mean you are always right. If you're to goddamn lazy to even do a Google search before you start throwing fits then you really shouldn't be discussing this topic much less be in the medical field (God I hope not).


modsarefascists42 t1_irljo4u wrote

>About 1 billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency, while 50% of the population has vitamin D insufficiency. Approximately 35% of adults in the United States have vitamin D deficiency.



modsarefascists42 t1_irihusy wrote

I didn't say regardless of deficiency, I said deficiencies are more common than you're pretending. Stop putting words in my mouth.

This kind if stupid attitude is why vitamin D deficiencies are so absurdly common in america. Just because you heard once that vitamins aren't necessary for a perfectly balanced diet doesn't mean that they aren't useful for most people. Because most people don't have a perfectly balanced diet. Vitamin D deficiencies are linked to numerous worse health outcomes both on their own and more importantly with worse infections that it helps allow to happen. Stop being bullheaded and leading people to do things that hurt their health.


modsarefascists42 t1_irgfwuy wrote

There's way too big of a backlash against things like multivitamins too though, to the point that many people think they're worthless. They absolutely are not, and getting a perfectly balanced diet is a lot harder than many people realize. Basic vitamin supplements are a bad thing, plus there extremely cheap. A multivitamin is like $10 for a few months. Just gotta take it at dinner.

I mean perfect example I got a noticable benefit from taking some basic supplements, never spending more than $15 a month on it all (likely far less). I thought it was all just a scam like you, that I was probably just fine from a decent diet. Just fine isn't the same as good though. You shouldn't have to wait until you have a deficiency so bad that it causes medical issues. Vitamin D is by far the biggest one, most people just don't get enough sunlight to make their own. Maybe manual laborers in the tropics, but that's about it.

Tho I've never heard of anyone thinking you could just take more vitamins and get healthier. That's kinda ridiculous, they're dangerous in crazy high doses but so is everything.

Also gotta take your vitamins with food, always. They're just peed out otherwise.

Edit: in case anyone thinks the ass replying to me has a point, check the peer reviewed papers I linked to. This guy is nuts and shouldn't be giving anyone medical advice.

More below too