
lydriseabove t1_j65ptde wrote

Nah, cops are pretty terrible. There is science to back this from the significantly higher statistics of domestic abuse compared to the general public and that certain authoritative personality types are drawn to police work. Please stop pretending police have remotely good intentions so that we can actually move forward as a society.


lydriseabove t1_j1q6psn wrote

I lived on Boggs in a small apartment complex when Fios was first coming to the neighborhood and there was a strange cut off based on the number of apartments in the building. I don’t clearly remember the details, but it was something like individual homes and apartment complexes with 8 or more units were first priority. My complex had 5 apartments and Verizon simply told us that this made us ineligible for the forseable future. This would have been around 2016/2017.


lydriseabove t1_j1q4v3l wrote

I love this place, I just desperately wish places offered smaller portion options. I usually follow strict dietary restrictions, occasionally want some Chinese as a cheat day, but the portions are enough for 4-6 meals, and I’m not really down with a cheat week.


lydriseabove t1_iud3k4k wrote

Just go and enjoy yourself. I’ve gotten freaked out a couple of times by vehicles with out of state plates following me incredibly slowly, but I usually go when there are a ton of people around, and stay vigilant with my music not too loud.


lydriseabove t1_itwnuu0 wrote

I’ve been in Pittsburgh for 10 years, when I first moved here, it was under construction and a nightmare, but then it ran smoothly and beautifully for like 5 years until this current project started, but everyone just forgets those amazing years.

It seems a lot of people also don’t know the end game of the current project, which is to add an exit lane for Highland park bridge. Instead of 1 lane to stay on 28 and 1 lane to exit for Highland park bridge, there will be two lanes for 28 and a proper exit lane for the bridge.