
luxmesa t1_j8yvrj0 wrote

It comes from the phrase “eat your own dog food”, which means “use the products you’re selling to customers.” The idea at tech companies is that, if you personally wouldn’t use this product, then customers won’t want to either. So by making your employees use it, they will inevitably figure out which parts of your product have problems and then those problems can get fixed.


luxmesa t1_j825rev wrote

Okay, so the technology they want is a write-once drive to replace the reusable drives they use to collect results from the voting machines. The idea is that if a drive can only be written to once, then you can guarantee that the data hasn’t been tampered with once it’s been copied from the machine. There’s no evidence that something like this has happened, but even if it had, couldn’t you pull off the same thing by getting an entirely new drive and just swapping it with the real one?


luxmesa t1_j6lba7a wrote

If we’re talking about a 3D game, the information that the CPU passes to the GPU is stuff like the shape of the objects in a scene, what color or what texture that object has and where they are located. The GPU will turn that into a picture that your monitor can display. The way you go from a bunch of shapes and colors to a picture involves a matrix multiplication, which is something that a GPU can do a lot faster than a CPU.


luxmesa t1_j299l9m wrote

I couldn’t find stat for all of North America, but 70% of American adults are overweight, so most North American woman being overweight wouldn’t be that surprising.

Some of this is that BMI can be misleading. It’s based on your weight divided by your height squared. From a medical statistics standpoint, it’s better than nothing, but since it doesn’t make a distinction between muscle weight and fat weight, it can put a lot of very muscular people in the overweight column.


luxmesa t1_j27du7z wrote

There are programming languages and machine code. Your computer can only understand machine code, so in order to run a program, you need to translate the code you wrote in a programming language into machine code.

There are two ways two do this. Compiling your code means that all the code you wrote is analyzed and translated into machine code ahead of time, so everything is ready when it’s time to run your program. Interpreting means that your code is being translated line by line as it’s being run.


luxmesa t1_j0mc4xn wrote

I wanted to do some quick math on this.

Let’s say you’re trying to replace a power wall. That’s 13.5 kWh or 48.6 MJ. It takes 9.8 joules to lift 1 kg to a height of 1 m in Earth’s gravity. Let’s say the height of your basement is 3 meters. The weight would need to be 1,650 metric tons to replace the powerwall.


luxmesa t1_iujy70q wrote

Berlin was the capital, so it was too important to give to one country, so it got divided separately from the rest of Germany. It’s also worth noting that these territories were supposed to be temporary administrative regions until Germany had its own government that the UK, US, France and USSR were happy with. The issue is that it took decades to reach that point.