
knit3purl3 t1_j9qhniu wrote

In the classroom. So coloring, building blocks, etc. Quiet, creative play.

Apparently some dumb hick hunters were shooting guns too close to the school so they have no outdoor recess during active hunting seasons now. And then the weather is too cold.


knit3purl3 t1_j9pdgcc wrote

I recently realized that we're basically training people from the age of 5 to accept the capitalistic hellscape for the abusive situation it is. No wonder people are okay with wage theft and being expected to respond to work e-mails 24/7--from the age of 5, they were told that breaks aren't really mandatory and can be taken away at the whim of an authority, forced to adhere to BS rules even at lunchtime, expected to take work home with them, etc.

Adults have federal laws that should protect their lunch and breaks. School children do not. A teacher can decide to take away a child's break (recess) on a whim or they simply "age out" of having a break entirely. Your employer can't force you to eat lunch with your workplace bully every single day (hostile work environment), but teachers can.

So is it any surprise that adults now kowtow to abusive work conditions?


knit3purl3 t1_j9p9mkl wrote

The same thing happens to my son too! I didn't worry so much for the months that it's indoor recess because he's basically swapping the time that he colors. But now that it's occasionally outdoors, he's being forced to sit with a clipboard on a curb while the rest of the kids actively play.


knit3purl3 t1_j9ooys4 wrote

You think you could tell that to my kid's school who cancels half a year of outdoor recess for hunting season reasons and then makes sport out of canceling the rest for punishment?

They've really adopted a "beatings will continue until morale improves" approach with a bunch of 5-8yos who are going stir crazy now after 4 months trapped indoors and they keep taking away every recess that could be outside when we get randomly warm days.