
kentro2002 t1_jeh4bjd wrote

I am in my 50s and I have several friends I grew up with that own many houses and are “successful”, and others that are kinda surviving just ok. It’s not always the norm, but getting up early is a common thread amongst the successful. Those extra couple hours a day, add up to 1000s of hours of productivity that adds up over decades. Whether it’s getting up to go for a run, walking the dog,or to get to work early when few people are there to get things done, most of them all get up early, even on the weekends.

Also, people who get up early normally have a “plan” for the day instead of scrambling around because you are running late.


kentro2002 t1_j6n7n2j wrote

I would follow you, these are spot on IMO. Devil is #1, so good. Kramer vs. Kramer, as a kid who parent got divorced a year or two after that, I cry every time. Office Space should have been the seed of the working people of Reddit, which I think it is.

The one I didn’t get was LaLa land, I love them both, Gossling especially, I didn’t get why it got all the accolades, not bad, and I understand some of the cinematography was groundbreaking, but I still could never get in to it.

Other than than, well done!