
justxkyle t1_jds9jur wrote

Reply to comment by Hurtmemaster in i roleplay an urgent man by [deleted]

Bro if you're going to try to insult me at least put some effort into it. My name is Kyle and my profile history is full of Lego, I couldn't have made it easier for a troll like yourself, but again I gave your little brain too much credit. As soon as you say "easy mode" you went big dick mode and tried to bash me to get an escape from your own shitty existence, I feel embarrassed yes, but only for you. Don't worry it'll get better friend, all the best. <3


justxkyle t1_jds8l1k wrote

Reply to comment by Hurtmemaster in i roleplay an urgent man by [deleted]

Well now I know you're just trolling, you're also not very good at it, thanks for coming out little buddy. Can't wait to see what your next comment will be, I'm sure it'll be another emotionally crippling blow.