
jimsmoments89 t1_j23dq1n wrote

Makes me wonder if the long-term objective of the west is to, as you say, deplete Russia and weaken them further. But they trade Ukrainian lives to make this happen, and Ukraine can do little to actually get the volume of military material that can end the war through the battlefield in the shorter term.

The EU also in all likelihood don't want to end up having Ukraine as a militarized neighbour that could be a long-term threat. Because the EU and Ukraine still hasn't formalized their relationship, to the EU I think they still see Ukraine as a Troubled ex soviet satellite with baggage.

Maybe the EU wants to keep up arming their own militaries while supplying Ukraine with a matching volume of weapons, as balance and deterrent.

Depleting Russia of weapons and soldiers over time might also open up for the Russian federation to fracture in the future, if local powers feel the central government is weak enough