
jamescookenotthatone OP t1_je4jj14 wrote

I was listening to an episode of the radio drama X Minus One from 1956 when a character says they are going to send out drones and was startled to hear a reference to what I thought was a recent word. I first assumed they just lucked into it but nope, 'drone' dates back to 1936.

Link to the radio drama:



jamescookenotthatone OP t1_jd7b7tk wrote

I learned this from Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast,



  1. Dyke appearantly never took a dancing lesson, just did what he was told by choreographers.

  2. Dyke has had terrible arthritis since atleast when he was 40 and was expected to be in a wheelchair by the time he was 50. He just didn't.


jamescookenotthatone OP t1_j9o8d36 wrote

I learned about this oddity from the Talking Simpsons Podcast, https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly90YWxraW5nc2ltcHNvbnMubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/MjRjOTNkZDUtYTliZC00OTg3LWI4ZjItZDk5YWZmMzNkM2E3?ep=14

Some Marvel employees were pretty stringent about what deserved a No-Prize, but not Macchio,

>Ralph Macchio (Daredevil): "The No-Prize is an honored Marvel tradition. Of course I give them away—for just about any old stupid thing. I have a million of them."[13]


jamescookenotthatone OP t1_j9etovt wrote

Something I found amusing.

>Size of stones was central to the McAdam's road building theory. The lower 8 in (20 cm) road thickness was restricted to stones no larger than 3 inches (7.5 cm). The upper 2-inch-thick (5 cm) layer of stones was limited to stones 2 centimetres (3⁄4 in) in diameter; these were checked by supervisors who carried scales. A workman could check the stone size himself by seeing if the stone would fit into his mouth. The importance of the 2 cm stone size was that the stones needed to be much smaller than the 4 inches (10 cm) width of the iron carriage wheels that travelled on the road.[5]


jamescookenotthatone t1_j8oxczz wrote

>The tech used in the advert was created by Deepcake, which describes itself as an AI company specializing in deepfakes.

>Deepcake told the BBC it had worked closely with Willis' team on the advert.

>"What he definitely did is that he gave us his consent (and a lot of materials) to make his Digital Twin," they said.

>The company says it has a unique library of high-resolution celebrities, influencers and historical figures.

>On its website, Deepcake promotes its work with an apparent quote from Mr Willis: "I liked the precision of my character. It's a great opportunity for me to go back in time.

>"The neural network was trained on content of Die Hard and Fifth Element, so my character is similar to the images of that time."

>However, Willis's agent told the BBC, "Please know that Bruce has no partnership or agreement with this Deepcake company."


>In a statement from Deepcake, the company said reports that it had bought the rights to Bruce Willis's face were inaccurate.

>"The wording about rights is wrong… Bruce couldn't sell anyone any rights, they are his by default," a representative for the company said.

Wait how does that work? I assume the Deepcake people are just lying or there is some strange miscommunication.