
icfcogxgco t1_je6k2si wrote

Comics have very rarely ever translated to film well. As a comic reader I can tell you 95% of what I read is no where near good enough for a movie. Only an exceptionally good story translated exceptionally well with an exceptional director and writer who knows what to cut and change for the big screen can pull it off. It's why only a handful of superhero movies ever are any good.

Bad films do well. Good movies do poorly so box office I think it's a far less reasonable thing to try to understand.


icfcogxgco t1_j991r4v wrote

Cloud Atlas. For a lot of obvious reasons. A lot of meaning a lot of innovative ways of expressing that meaning.

There's no better example of music supporting the meaning, themes, etc than star wars. George Lucas called it the oxygen of the films, shot and acted in such a way that you can understand the film with no dialogue because of the music

Ben Hur