
hemannjo t1_j1l9f6d wrote

Yeah, by conservatives. But on the topic of racism in Islamic countries, Islam’s history of slavery, apartheid, terrorism/religious wars, issues around gender equality and gender based segregation, the incredibly patriarchal nature of historical Islam etc, ‘liberals’ tend to be silent or apologetic. For example, the fact that liberals defend the hijab despite the fact that it is steeped in misogyny is, for me, the height of hypocrisy. The worst of it is that ‘liberals’ end up protecting the platforms and agendas of conservative and reactionary Muslim movements, while progressive Muslims and those who want to develop a self critical Islam compatible with western values, like Ghaleb Bencheikh, Malek Chebel, or even women of colour from Islamic societies speaking out against religious motivated injustices (ayaan hirsi Ali), are left without support. Why do liberal imams like Chalghoumi need to live under police protection exactly? When will Islam do its Vatican II?


hemannjo t1_is3a1tm wrote

There’s a massive difference between ‘having the idea’ and elaborating that idea into a complex and rational theoretical apparatus and situating it within a philosophical problematic. Often we don’t even realise that initial idea was ‘good’ until someone does the actual philosophical work. As pascal pointed out, Augustine had something like the idea cogito, but it was Descartes who was able to use that idea to completely revolutionise philosophy and how we think about the subject.


hemannjo t1_ir4qfg2 wrote

Submitting a text post and engaging in discussion within the comments is one thing, linking a blog post with some pseudo academic/self-help philosophy article to feed an illusion that you’re a writer is another. People linking their blogs here are pretentious wannabe intellectuals for the most part.