
hellogirlsandgays t1_j6mopp5 wrote

i mean if you dont want to go to a store i know a guy. i know that sentence sounds shady but i’ve never met a man so interested and serious about jewelry. he knows everything. deeply nice too.


hellogirlsandgays t1_j6da8ro wrote

this happened to me yesterday. i dropped my water bottle cap on the street and was gonna begrudgingly leave it (it was a plastic bottle) bc i didnt want to get run over, but miraculously it landed on its back, and the car driving past didnt run it over, so i quickly went to grab it since the next car was a significant distance away. i was very clearly darting out into the road (though not very far) and they were close enough to see me so you’d think they’d slow down just in case since no one was behind them right? wrong. if i had been maybe 2 seconds slower they would have ran directly into me.


hellogirlsandgays t1_j1lv1vj wrote

i dont remember most of the gifts i recieved as a child tbh, but i do remember that my mom would always say they were from random celebrities/characters that were vaguely related to whatever the gift was. so when my brothers got new shoes it would be from “michael jordan”. i got a diary one year addressed to me from greg heffley lol.