
gofundyourself007 t1_j9vo210 wrote


There’s a source that you didn’t ask for. It’s not the original it just references the original article. The 6.5 trillion was more than the Pentagon’s entire budget that year by A LOT. If it is corruption then we have a serious leak in our budget.

Also I learned about SCIFs from Congressmen who have repeatedly described being allowed into these sites (not boats). Some may even be located in the aforementioned bunkers but that’s just an educated guess.


gofundyourself007 t1_j9t7nkw wrote

Yeah they have black budgets, underground SCIFs (where high ranking officials can learn of certain secrets they are cleared for), and incredibly compartmentalized to facilitate secrecy. The MIC is obsessed with compartments and modules. From their weapons platforms to their bunkers and especially with their hierarchy. I read one year (2016 I believe) that 6.5 trillion (with a T!) went “missing” into black budget projects. That’s not corruption, it’s way too much. It’s likely them spending on things they don’t want any record of. It’s very shady and needs to be thoroughly audited imo.

Edit: corrected misspelling


gofundyourself007 t1_j6a9j2m wrote

And like I said that was just the thought on the top of my mind. I’m sure there’s less violent or easier options to try first. But if there’s a lot of pressure and Orban is still obstructing it’s easier changing leadership than changing the status of a country in Nato. In both those cases the main thing that is missing is the will to resolve the challenge.