
gaoshan t1_iuk867v wrote

This is part of the problem. Even finding out the bill was inflated and then fixing took a year. Probably tons of phone calls and emails, tons of back and forth and extra stress… it’s ridiculous. I have a situation right now, myself, where I got Covid and started coughing blood. I actually called my insurer (as I’m holding tissues with blood clots I had just coughed out) to ask which ER I should go to (so I do t get raped by some out of network place). They tell me, “This is an emergency, don’t worry about it. Just go to the closest place”. Well guess who just got a huge bill for that visit. Fuck these people. Now I have to spend time and stress trying to fix things (meanwhile I’ve already been sent to collections). It’s ridiculous, unreasonable, unfair and complete bullshit. How is our system so screwed up?!