
fostertheatom t1_j6w493b wrote


Faith is by definition having "complete trust or confidence in someone or something."

Assumption is... "a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof."

Yeah I used the wrong term and have been using it for a while. I realized that as I was getting definitions for this reply and I'm just going to leave my misplaced confidence there. I deserve to be humiliated a bit for that. Assumption was very much the wrong word for what I was going for. I was going for something closer to "Hoping everything goes okay because I have to do this but knowing things could go wrong".

With that admitted to, my point still stands (although strike the assumption bit from it). I do not have any form of "Faith" in my Doctor, Pilots, Light Switches, etc. I do not have the "Assumption" that they are going to work or everything is always going to be fine. I make preparations to get the best outcome using the best of my abilities and I roll the dice. Can't control it so I just have to try to find someone good and hope for the best. It's just how life is.


fostertheatom t1_j6uf3ij wrote

That's literally not how it works though. That's not faith, that is called research and making assumptions. Assumptions and Faith may be similar at a glance but they are definitely different.


fostertheatom t1_j6tmt9c wrote

No, I watch the DOW, I research my doctors before choosing one. I expect my airplane pilots to have proper certifications and I research the weather on my route beforehand. I do not just throw myself into situations "on faith".


fostertheatom t1_iwjgjve wrote

Exactly, several studies have come out corroborating that study that said eating boogers and bugs and dirt and whatnot as a kid boosts your immune system.

But since people still perceive it as nasty, they still shun the practice. Same as with drinking former waste water, even if it properly treated and completely safe. Hell, 99.9% of people (in the so-called "first world") think the water in the holding tank of your toilet (that is literally just regular uncontaminated tap water until it is used to flush waste) is nasty and won't drink it.


fostertheatom t1_iwhtcxx wrote

And if you walked around a large city with glasses of wastewater trying to tell people it was just as good as regular tap water or try to say what you are saying you wouldn't get a single person to take a sip all afternoon. You need to change people's perception before you will get any meaningful dialogue.

People perceive it as nasty. That's just how it currently is. Calling people childish isn't going to change any minds or do anything positive. It's just going to make people double down and possibly tell you to "Go F*** Yourself".


fostertheatom t1_iuv3qq7 wrote

I don't personally trust the Covid vaccines. They were rushed out in a time of crisis when regulations and requirements were relaxed to quell a panicking world population. I need more transparent and nonbiased testing before I can trust it.

With that in mind, properly tested and regulated vaccines like these ones, polio, flu, etc are fucking great. RSV is fucking terrifying for parents. Watching your kid struggle to breath is a miserable experience. If giving them a properly tested and administered vaccine will help less parents have to experience that then I am all for it.
