
fielausm t1_j5a4ule wrote

You should get a nice bicycle (legally) and get outdoors and ride it.

You should not: worry about girls and relationships. That will come on it's own time. Who you are at 16 does not indicate what your 20's or 30's will be like.

You should also do a little bit of volunteering. Maybe 6 hours a month (so two weekends, for 3hrs on a Saturday).


fielausm t1_iueskj0 wrote


Yes, and frankly, you are responsible for planning your birthday, or at the very least outsourcing and directing it.

"I turn 30 soon! I want to be surprised!" Is ambiguous and puts ALL the pressure on your SO or friends.

"I turn 30 soon! Hey, let's get 10 of us together and go to Oktoberfest to celebrate, it's about the same time as my birthday, and I think we can get everything together in 8 months. Passports for everyone first!" <-- This is a good fucking birthday preamble.